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Again. Nina was waking up with the woman cuddled up to her again. Great. Why did she do this? She knew it wouldn't do her any good. But- it felt good. She sighed, running her hand through the womans hair. It was soft. She smiled a little. She liked this. She liked it too much. Like she didn't want to wake up in another persons arms ever again. This really wasn't good. She knew what was going on. She was falling. Falling more and more for this woman, who she didn't even know the name of yet.

Nina carefully got up, making sure she didn't wake the other. She quickly scribbled her number on a piece of paper, placing it on the bedside table. She didn't want to leave, but she had to. She couldn't keep doing this. She grabbed her bag and quietly left.

It was still a little dark outside as Nina walked and the sun began to rise. The sunrise was pretty though. Nina looked at her phone. 5th of May. She had today and tomorrow alone until Mischa got back. She hoped he was alright, she hadn't heard much, but that was expected. He was spending time with his mother, so she didn't expect him to message at all.

Nina paced her room, feeling a little frustrated. How could she let this happen. She knew what'd happen if she came back, yet she still did it anyway. She was quickly pulled from her thoughts by her phone going off. She picked it up, answering the call.
Her knees almost buckled when she heard the voice.
"Hey hun"
"Oh- uh- Hey-" Nina stuttered, already feeling giddy.
"Got home safely, i hope?" She laughed softly.
"Yeah, Yeah i did. No need to worry."
"Just wanted to make sure"
Nina hummed and paused for a moment, "I never got your name"
Her heart fluttered as she heard the woman laugh again,
"Vivian, my name's Vivian"
"Cute name for a cute person" Nina thought out loud.
"You flirt, Nina" Vivian giggled softly, causing Nina's face to heat up.
"Tell me more about yourself, Nina, you're sweet."
Nina sat on her bed as she continued to speak, "I'm not too interesting, I'm 20, you obviously know my job, I'm Ukrainian, and I live with one of my childhood friends who is like my little brother"
"You're Ukrainian? That's what the accent is. It's cute."
"Tell me about yourself-" Nina spoke quickly, still blushing.
"Well, I'm 21, i was born and raised in Canada, can't seem to escape it. I own a flower shop, not far from my house. Always loved plants. Can't annoy you, unlike people."
"Oh yeah, i totally get that"
Nina smiled as Vivian continued, "If you don't mind me asking, why'd you pick that job of all things?"
Nina paused for a moment, "I needed the money, i guess. I mean, a lot of the time it sucks, but it does pay well.."
"I suppose that makes sense"
"Yeah, I've actually been thinking about getting a new job recently, the men are just... I think you can guess."
"Oh yeah, i understand. What job are you thinking about?"
"I'm not really sure, that's the problem. Not much i can do in Uranium. Plus, don't need the people here to know about my past. It'd spread like wildfire."
"There's a little café, just down the road from my flower shop. My older brother runs it, i can probably convince him to let you get an interview."
"You'd do that for me?"
"It's the right thing to do, darling. I've gotta go now, have a good day, and text me if you need anything."
"Alright..." Nina smiled a little as Vivian hung up, and then she fell back onto her bed.
The way Vivian said 'darling' was still at the top of her mind.

[It was still cold. Too cold. They're still gone. They've forgotten. Forgotten me. Forgotten their promise. This was what they deserved. How long ago did they leave me here. Only Virgil visits now. Oh Virgil... What did i do to deserve this?.. You're right Virgil. I can get more revenge. Three already. What harm is another? They deserve this. They deserve it all.]

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