Planning (pt.2)

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The week had passed quite quickly for Mischa. Maybe it was the excitement. He didn't know. He was in the car with Constance and Ocean. It was awkwardly silent. He decided to try and talk about something.
"Do you guys think poet will like his gifts?" He asked, it came off more anxious than it was meant to.
"I think he'll love it Mischa. Noel seems to love anything to do with you." Constance smiled.
"Really?" Mischa's face lit up. Did that mean Noel liked spending time with him? He hoped it did.
"Yeah!" Ocean butted in, "Trust me! He'll love it!"
Mischa stayed quiet after that, but soon they got back to Constance's.

They were stood in the kitchen before Constance asked something.
"Mischa?" Constance looked over to him, "Isn't Noel's favourite cake red velvet?"
Mischa nodded, "Yes, it is."
"Okay good, i know it changes sometimes but i wanted to make sure!"
Mischa nodded as Constance talked him and Ocean through making a cake. This was one of the few times he'd been fully focused. Even Ocean was a little shocked. He was actually quite good at baking. Which is something even he didn't know until now. Surprisingly, there weren't any arguments between him and Ocean. A few hours had passed and they'd successfully made a cake that actually looked nice. They just had to hope it tasted nice. Mischa smiled and jumped slightly, flapping his hands.
"Poet will love it!!!" He exclaimed.
Constance smiled too before speaking,
"Do you want to stay over tonight? And i can take you to Noel's tomorrow?"
Mischa nodded, smiling widely,
"Yes! Thank you Connie!!"
"Of course Mischa!"
The three of them spent the rest of the day watching movies and talking, and the morning came quickly.

Mischa was the first of the three to wake up. He was really excited. He had grabbed some things from his bag and ran to the bathroom. He got changed and ran hid hamds through his hair. He'd put in his coloured contact as well. He thought for a while and decided he wouldn't put it in on Sunday. He'd be himself for Noel. He smiled and walked back out, his nerves slowly disappearing as he thought about the poet.

He waited for the two girls to wake up and was incredibly excited when they did. Ocean was a lot more irritable than normal, apparently due to a nightmare, so Mischa contained his excitement as much as he possibly could.
After Constance had fully woken up, she quickly drove the Ukrainian to Noel's house.

Noel was just as excited to see Mischa. He'd say he was excited about his birthday, but that wasn't fully true. He didn't really care about turning 18. He was just glad he'd have his friends there. He loved them all a lot. He was pulled out of his thoughts by a knock at the door and was immediately embraced in a hug once he opened it.
"Poet!!" Mischa was smiling widely.
"Hi Misch-" Noel laughed slightly.
Noel awkwardly kicked the door shut as Mischa wouldn't let go of him.
"Misch, you know I'm not going to dissappear if you let go, right?" Noel giggled.
"But i have missed you!! It is sad without you poet!!" Mischa finally let go, "Can we go watch those French movies you like? I want to watch some with you before your birthday!!"
"Alright Misch, we can do that!"
Noel smiled as they went up to his room and cuddled together on his bed.
Noel wasn't really watching the movies, he was staring at Mischa. Thats when he noticed something and turned Mischa's face towards him.
Mischa's heart skipped a beat at this.
Noel frowned slightly, "You're wearing a contact?"
Mischa nodded, "I am not wearing it tomorrow though. Will just be me tomorrow."
Noel smiled slightly and put his head on Mischa's shoulder. They both sat and watched the movies, falling asleep whilst cuddled into each other.

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