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Yay for piccollage water mark.

okay so ^^^ that is Hollands or (Skylars) dress but with out the jacket thing and the second picture is her hair :)))))))))))

Now for the update ;)
___________________(a week later)


I jolted awake, along with Dylan as the door bell rang. I glanced at him with tired eyes and yawned.

"Who the he-"

"PACKAGE IS HERE!" Someone yelled from outside. I groaned as Dylan got up out of the bed and answered the door.

I couldn't make out much of what they were saying, just muffled voices. Finally, I heard the door shut. He plopped a package down on the foot of our bed and smiled lightly.

"Our lovely outfits for tonight."

"I am tired and I want to sleep."

He grabbed my arms and lifted me from the bed. "It will be fun!"

I smiled a little and nodded reassuringly as Dylan sat on the bed and put the box in his lap.

"Ready to see?"

I nodded excitedly and watched as he tore open the box, practically like it was no big deal. I can tell you right now, I would be struggling to pry that thing open.

"Here is my suit, what do you think?" He smiled, holding it up against his chest.

"Ooh! I love it." I examined it, touching the sleeves softly and carefully taking it from his hands.

As he dug deeper into the box, his eyes widened "Oh my dear lord Skylar you will look freaking amazing in this."

"Oh my gosh." I smiled, as he held it up. "Thats beautiful."

"It is, but I know something more beautiful.." he chuckled, smiling widely.

"If you say me I might have to strangle you."

He laughed, interwinding our fingers and placing a soft meaningful kiss onto my lips. I smiled into it and slowly pulled away. I slowly caught a glimpse at the clock, groaning at what time it was

"It's already 1:20? Yesterday must have been hectic."

Dylan chuckled. "Yeah it was. The make up artist will be here by 4:00...which means we have to put our clothes on by.."

"3:30. That will give us a good amount of time."

He nodded in agreement. "I can make grilled cheese while we watch a movie on the couch? Sound good?"

"Yes!" I giggled in excitement. "But, shouldn't we try on the clothes first? So we make sure they fit? What if they don't and we have to ta-"

"Let's just say that they will fit and just eat food and watch movies."

"Okay, okay. You make the food, I'm on the movie"

"Hallelujah!" Yelled Dylan, pecking me on the lips quickly before rushing out the door.


"Your grilled cheese."

"Your movie." I mocked him, he smiled down at the movie and rolled his eyes.

"I've already seen this."

"Well it's a classic."

He chuckled, putting the dvd in the small player we somehow had. when we moved it, it magically appeared. Im pretty sure Liz put it here, seeming that Dylan and I would get bored of each other but, that hasn't happened. Yes, I know. It's only been about one day but, I can assure you nothing of that sort will be happening.

The theme song to the famous Disney movie 'The Lion King.' Began playing as I quickly got comfy on the couch. Dylan, sat beside me. Munching slowly on his grilled cheese, soon shoveling the whole thing into his mouth.

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now