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Aang shaking Appa's reigns, smiling. Sokka flying gracefully on Aang's glider. Sokka, smiling at Aang, whom we see smiling at Sokka in return. Aang looks over to his right to see Katara flying on an enormous version of Momo. She waves at him.

Katara: We need you, Aang.

you see ___ using a water tornado to "fly"

___: i need you

Aang: I need you too.

Aang turns from ___ to look straight ahead in alarm. A huge, black storm cloud has gathered ahead.

Aang: Be careful guys! Guys?

___ Sokka and Katara have disappeared. he is approaching the storm quickly. Suddenly, a cross-legged Monk Gyatso drops from the top of the frame to rest just above Appa's head

Aang: Gyatso?

Gyatso: Why did you disappear?

Aang: I didn't mean to.

as Aang leans forward to touch his old master, but before he can Gyatso turns grey as ash and begins to blow away starting from the head down. Soon he is gone. After Gyatso disintegrates, Aang and Appa entering the storm clouds

Gyatso: We need you, Aang.

Inside the cloud, lightning illuminates the sky. It is pouring rain and Aang screams as he holds on to Appa for his life. Appa and Aang plunge into the sea in a replay of his accident a century ago. Aang relinquishes his hold on Appa and begins to drift away in the water

Many Voices: We need you, Aang. We need you.

At the end of the last sentence a vision of the Fire Lord, wreathed in flame, is visible for an instant in the afterglow of a lightning strike. At this horrifying vision Aang wakes instantly from his dream with a start. It is night at their most recent camp. He disturbs Momo, who wakes up ___ Katara and Sokka while trying to get away, Sokka ready with his knife and boomerang

Sokka (groggily): Huh? Uh... what's going on? Did we get captured again?

Aang: It's nothing, I just had a bad dream. Go back to sleep.

Sokka: Don't have to tell me twice.

Sokka rolls over back to sleep. Aang in a fetal position, looking pained katara tried doing the same

___: Are you all right, Aang?

Aang: I'm okay.

___: You seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately, you wanna tell me about it?

Aang: I think I just need some rest.

Sokka (sits up, excited): You guys want to hear about my dream? (Silence, as ___ and Katara looks annoyed.) That's ok, I didn't wanna talk about it anyway.

___: aang, if you ever want to talk about it, im here ok?

aang: i know.

Sokka and Katara lie back down to sleep. yawning and Katara packing for them to get under way. Aang sits on top of Appa, and when the bison is done yawning Aang points to the heavens

Aang: Look at those clear skies, buddy! Should be some smooth flying.

Katara (examining empty food bag): Well, we better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, cause we're out of food.

Sokka (alarmed): Guys, wait, this was in my dream, we shouldn't go to the market.

Katara: What happened in your dream?

Sokka: Food eats people!

Katara ___ and Aan are not impressed, then back to Sokka with Momo on his right

avatar love story (aang x reader)Where stories live. Discover now