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Sokka: (looking at a map) This is it, the official rendezvous point for the invasion force.

(Camera pans over mountains and fields of Koala-Sheep)

Toph: How did you pick this place?

Sokka: Before we split up, my dad and I found this island on a map. It's uninhabited, and the harbor (cut to aerial shot of the cliff face) surrounded by cliffs seemed like the perfect secluded place.

Katara: (cut to close-up ground level shot of the gang preparing for bed) Nice choice Sokka. And we're here four days ahead of schedule.

_: so we've got time.

Aang: (shocked) Wait, (shoots out of bed and high into the air) four days! (Aang's horrified) The invasion's in four days!

Sokka: (yawning) Whatever. (nonchalant) That's like... four days from now. (lays back onto his mat) Let's just calm down, and ... (snore)

(Sokka sleeping in the fore ground. Katara and Aang are in the background)

Katara: Sokka's got the right idea Aang. We're here, we're ready... (lays down on her mat) the best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest

Aang: Uh.. (looks around frantically but everyone seems to be asleep) I guess.

(Aang curls up on the grass)

(The scene fade back in with a close shot of a large ornate Fire Nation symbol, it pans backward quickly, revealing that it is a large, ornate and intimidating door. The door busts open, revealing a boy with large hair, a headband and a yellow/orange jump suit with his back to us. He enters the room with a series of dramatic gestures. It is revealed that it is actually Aang who is in this strange garb. Aang takes an intense jump on to a rock tower. Cut to wider shot of Aang standing on the rock tower surrounded by floating broken pillars.)

Aang: (continually making a series of comically fast and dramatic ninja-like moves during this speech) Your days of tyranny are over Fire Lord. I'm bringing you down!

(Cut to close shot of an elaborately dressed Fire Lord with Kabuki-like facial features. He is about to take a bite of a bundle of grapes, but stops and looks down at who ever is disturbing him. The camera pans out quickly to reveal he is actually a giant when compared to Aang and surrounded by a pit of fire.)

Fire Lord Ozai: Really, (bends his giant face close to Aang's) how do you plan on doing that (cut to Aang's horrified face) when you're not even wearing pants!

(Aang looks down to discover this is true and screams. He quickly covers himself with a fuzzy white water tribe shield pulled out of thin air. The camera pans out to a larger shot of Aang shaking with embarrassment. Suddenly, giant eyes begin to appear all around him. The eye's close and disappear back into the walls. Cut to shot of the giant Fire Lord laughing as Aang slowly backs out the door. The Fire Lord raises his arms to the ceiling, while surrounded by flames, laughing heartily.)

Aang: (cut to shot of Aang waking up startled) Uah! (Aang feels all around to make sure he is wearing pants, and then sighs with relief. Momo approaches him) It was just a dream Momo, I still have my pants. (cut to wide ground shot of Aang getting up) Well, I better keep training.

(Close shot of Aang with an extremely intense look on his face. The camera pans out to reveal he is kicking a bush. Wide shot of Momo looking on at Aang kicking the bush. Momo's ears go down in a gesture of displeasure and he curls up for sleep.)

(Cut to shot of the top of a tree shaking. The camera pans down to reveal a shirtless Aang punching the tree. Cut to close shot of Aang looking extremely intense and concentrated on this task. Cut to a shot of the others slowly waking up from the sound of the punching. Katara, looking drowsy turns, toward Sokka. Sokka shrugs and Katara gets up. She approaches a very fierce looking Aang from behind.)

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