Disney Land

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Caroline POV

I woke up around 5 in the morning. Somehow I did. I went to take a shower and to get ready for Disney Land. I got my sundress/ cover up. It was a flowery dress with a lace rim, with two little spaghetti straps. I had my light pink bikini on under so it blended in. I made sure I had sunscreen on because I am pretty sure someone will get a sun burn. I hope not to be the one especially when I already put it on even though someone won't and they won't get stinkn' sun burned! I walked out of the bathroom. Of course I am the only one who is up at 6 o'clock in the morning. At least I get to wake them up. I smile with an evilly grin on my face.

I went downstairs to start breakfast. I made some pancakes. I even set up everything by now I think they should be down here but not they are just sleepy heads. I mean very heavy sleepers.

I could probably bang pans together and they would still be sleeping. This is why I always have a blow horn in my suitcase. It comes in handy some times. Okay now I need to get the blow horn and blow it and make them run laps for being lazy or go down and give me twenty.

Okay, now I am in our room getting my blow horn and a nerf gun full with bullets. Okay, now I am ready. I walk in the middle of the hallway and blow the horn.


They all came down not wanting to run a mile and give me twenty. I really feel like a P.E. teacher yelling at all of us. " NOW GO IN A STRAIGHT LINE, OR YOU CAN RUN TWO MILES." They all got in a straight line. I walked in front of them looking at them right in the eyes. Looking for weakness. "Adam pick a number between 1 and 10." I said right in front of him. He smiled wickedly like he knows what I am doing to him. "3" Adam said in a know it all tone.

"NOW DO 9 LAPS OUTSIDE." I said blowing the air horn. Making all of them wince at the sound. " Why?" Jerome said. " Do you want to make it ten now Jerome? Well now it is ten." I said. " That is not what I meant I..." Jerome said when I cut him off. " So I take it you want eleven laps now." I said. Jerome was about to say something, but Mitch said " Shut up we are getting more now." " Well now it is twelve. NOW GET GOING OR WE WILL NOT GET FOOD." I said trying to worry them. It seemed like it worked because I followed them around.

After they were done with their twelve laps. " Get back in a line " I said more like a coach yelling, more demanding. " Now drop and give me twenty." I said more demanding. " Come on Mr.Dalberg I know you can do better than that. It is more like this." I said. When I showed him a perfect push-up. " Okay, now food anyone?" I said friendly.

We all went in the kitchen to get our food. Yay! Finally! We got our pancakes and stuff. We sat down and ate. After they ate they kept on asking questions which is just adding more laps they are going to do.

"Okay, now do 12 laps outside right NOW. Now hustle, it would be a shame if I can out run you."

Adam-" Is that a challenge?"

"Well, indeed it is. If someone beats me, then, we will skip the rest of workout. The race will be to the tree to the pool then, back to the tree. Okay? The catch is three people run against me. Plus one has to be a, a girl."

Adam-" You're on."

The guys went to a huddle, to decided who is going against me. Hm. Joke on them I have been running for years, I know a few things.

Now it was time for the race. It was Mitch, Jerome, and Lily against me. They are going down. First, I know Jerome and Mitch played soccer; the one weakness they have is that they will speed in the beginning, but they won't do it for the same at the end.

See, my strategy is going to win without using all of my energy. I will run to the pool and back; speeding up towards they way back.

The end of the race

Lily somehow won, so now they don't have anymore of this workout. I am just going to say. If they get mobbed by fans then it is their fault. We got all our stuff like: Hoodies, sunglasses, sunscreen, wallets, purses, swim suits, and extra clothes nothing to much so fans won't leave us in our underwear.

We got to Disney Land at 9 am when they opened. We got in and stuff just fine, surprisingly. We went on rides like the California Screemin', the Goofy's Sky School, the Matterhorn Bobsleds, the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and the Space Mountain. They were cool. Then we went to water rides. They were a blast.

Back at the house.

We headed home because we went to all the rides. It was fun on the way home. We singed to everything on the radio.

After that we did some cards. Goldfish, Slap Jack, Speed, Spit, 21, and Cards against Humanity. We needed to eat something. Yet, again I am to lazy to cook again. So we went to Green Frog.

We did our order and got our food. This guy up to us. He asked us some questions. When he introduced himself before he asked us some questions. His name was Jake, and he was a writer.

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