Chapter 9 : Going to PAX

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Caroline P.O.V.
I woke up while shaking Mitch till he was awake. We are going to Pax today I shouted.

~*At the Airport*~
What was our flight number again. Mitch said 303.

~*15 minutes Later*~
Flight 303 is boarding the person said on the intercom.


Me and Mitch got seats right next to each other while Jerome sat in front of us . Since I was so excited that I wouldn't stop talking . So Mitch kissed me a couple times so I would kind of shut up and it worked every time. We finally got a taxi and checked in to the hotel . We all went to our rooms and we unpack. We all went to eat so we can food in our stomachs. After we ate . We went to our rooms and got our pjs on . We all fell to asleep thinking about the next day.

Hey guys I know it was a short chapter sorry. I will try to make chapters longer. So plz comment and vote . Tell your friends about it . I Hope I get some more reads and I be thinking I should do so me more series plz comment and vote and I know I said it twice .PEACE OUT
Writer xoxo

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