Falling apart

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Caroline POV

We finally made it to the breakfast bar, when I was seriously super, hungry I could probably eat a whole horse by now. Don't mess with me when dealing about food. Especially when we are going to get some and I am waiting forever to get some. Hmmm. I just crossed my arms. When we walked to the breakfast bar. Mitch was just laughing at my face. He is going to pay for that later. When we get back we have to do a prank war, or something. I hope we can do something. I got a call from Ian, great. I answered the phone.

"Hello, Ian what's wrong?" I asked.

"Well this is big, um Team Crafted is falling apart Adam and Ty left. Everyone is leaving, Quentin is going. I don't know about the others, I know we all are going to leave even though we don't want to. We are going to put the house up for sale when you come back from the cruise. So you can pack and go back to Canada." Ian said.

I am not worried about food now, I am worried about Team Crafted. I guess it didn't work out so well.

"Okay, I will tell Mitch and Jerome." I said.

"Okay, well that is all I need to tell you. So have a nice trip and Bye." Ian said.

"Bye." I said, I think my voice is gone now. Seriously, I think it is dead.

"Hey, babe who was on the phone?" Mitch said.

"Um, it was just Ian, Team Crafted is falling apart everyone is leaving soon." I said, my voice cracked at the end.

"Oh, um let's forget about it, till after the cruise, I'll tell Jerome after breakfast." Mitch said.

Why is everything happening. When we are away. Team Crafted is falling apart, and I can't do anything. I honestly feel horrible. I don't want Mitch to know I feel like horrible.

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