Update Cruise (Part 2)

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Hey guys I am sorry to bother you. I have made a schedule for all of my books so starting next week.
Monday update- Fan of a Fan
Tuesday update- The Pack with Elements
Wednesday update- Gamer Girl or Popular Girl
Thursday update- Am I real? Or Supernatural?
Friday update- How I met the TheBajanCanadian
Saturday and Sunday updates- either working on chapters I missed that week or working on a new books that I'll plan out.
Caroline POV

Sophia caught my glare, then came over to our group. I whispered to Mitch " If you need to pull me back, then do it. " Before, he could of replied. (Sophia=S Caroline=C Lily=L)

S-" Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

C-" Well, what it looks like to me is that you came here to stir up a mess, am I right, Sophia?"

S-" Oh, Caroline, you've finally grew a backbone I see."

C-" I see you finally grew a level in bitchyness, and I thought it could never happened; it did unfortunately."

S-" I thought you had your lesson in the alley, apparently it didn't."

C-" I just don't understand, on why, you are bullying me, we used to be friends; something happened, and apparently it is all my fault. You know all my weaknesses, but I know all of yours."

S-" Yeah, yeah, name three weakness. "

C-" One, you hate that when people confront you in an argument because of you cannot think of remarks fast enough. Two, In third grade may I add, you had an accident, you were so embarrassed that you had to leave school, because of it. Three, remember that time that we were at a party, and you got drunk, you begged me not to tell your precious daddy, or that you would've got in trouble."

S- " Ugh, you bitch, apparently I didn't hit you hard enough so you would not remember anything."

C-" Remember, your boyfriend Chase. "

S-" Yeah, what about my boyfriend."

C-" He cheated on you in the first week you've got together."

S-" It is not like you could of heard or witness that."

C-" All I have to say, it doesn't help you are the main gossip topic, I mean everywhere I go, there would've been a group talking about you. Plus, I've had to get something for the office that was in the janitor's office. I found him making out with your best friend, Bella."

S- "Oh, Lily there you are, aren't you going to step in."

L-" No, because she already won."

S-" What do you mean bitch she already won, Lily?"

L-" I mean, she doesn't need me to stand up for her, because she has a backbone. Who are you calling bitch, sweetie, it seems like I am not the bitch here?"

S-" Then, who is?"

C-" You are the bitch here, sorry to burst your bubble. There your royal pain in my ass. "

L-" See, what I mean, she is finally using curse words." As we high-five each other.

C-" It didn't really help that I did your homework for ya."

S-" You know what Caroline, I think you are the bitch here."

Okay, that got me so mad.

C-" Now, since you said that we can do this the easy way or hard way. The Easy way consists of just walking away. The Hard way is consists of very bad language, threats, and fighting. So, it is your choice. So, what will it be bitch?"

S-" You know me well enough, that I won't walk away peacefully."

C-" The hard way it is then. "

S-" You see I remember everything about you. You've abusive parents. In fourth grade you cried because you got a B on a test. In fifth grade you broke your leg, by playing soccer."

C-" Yeah, that happened, but you aren't perfect. You made me do your homework. Everything, I did everything for you, because I was scared of you. You are a bully."

Just then, I was pulled back, Thank you Mitch. We just turned around and walked away. I wish it was that simple though. She stormed up to us still.

L-" Okay, I had enough of this."

Lily turned around to face Sophia. Before, she said anything, Lily punched her in the face.

L-" Can you Shut up! "

Then we all had to separate Lily and Sophia before anything bad happens.

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