Snowboard and Skiing

15 1 0

Caroline POV

I woke up at 6 am because I can. I always liked getting up early. Then I remembered what happened last night. Great, I was pissed. Larry is gone. Hey! At least I showed that I wasn't weak, I was just shy on the outside and hard when it comes to physical fighting. I get out of Mitch's grip and get some clothes to change into. I went to the bathroom and had a shower running. I stripped all of my clothes off. I hopped in the shower. Having the warm water going over my body. The water soon turned my hair, wet enough for shampoo and conditioner. I rubbed it all of the shampoo in my hair as I went to body wash. Zest, the ocean one. I let my whole body rinse off having nothing left in my hair besides hair it self. I got out and dried myself off. I got dressed.

I go downstairs. I am picking up ropes and chairs. I placed them all down back where they originally were. Then I tried to get stains out, which there was only little stain of blood from my dad's knuckles. I finally got that stain out. I don't want to cook breakfast. I will cook at lunch or dinner but I feel like I don't want to. Plus, I deserve to get an award for sticking up for them last night. Sometimes, I loved my mouth it has its own brain.

At least someone has to wake up soon. It is nearly 8 am. Come on, please Lily come down. I am on my knees looking up at the ceiling. Well this is not working. I go on the couch. I turn on the tv. Vikk came down the stairs.

"Finally, someone's awake." I said, hopefully they heard me.

I go to the kitchen, to see Vikk opening the fridge.

"Hey, Vikk."

He jumped.

"Hey Caroline, why are you up?" Vikk asked, he looked frightened.

"Dude, what I did last night, was only for you guys not Larry the frying pan. That they broke."

"Larry the frying pan?" Vikk smiled.

"Go ahead and laugh."

"No, that will be rude of me, anyways, ready to ski or snowboard?" Vikk said.

"Nope, it is pretty much asking me to go to the hospital."

"Have you ever tried to go skiing?" Vikk asked.

"Well let's see, I spiral fractured my tibia by tripping over a soccer ball. Wait, sorry a football."

"Yeah, I don't mind if you call it a soccer ball. If you meet the rest of the sidemen you might not be so lucky there." Vikk said.

"Phew! Well that's good."

"You know you are pretty chill after the whole thing last night." Vikk said.

"I never stay mad at someone for more of two hours, but if I am mad about something then you can see, curse then or I curse when I am really bored or in pain."

Vikk nodded, one by one they came down, it is probably because they never smelled the breakfast. I don't wanna cook. So we went to a McDonald's while Jerome explained to Lachlan and a little to Vikk what a McDonald's is. After that we went to the ski/snowboard place.


Well now we are on the mountain, the boys convinced me to ski. It ain't going to be good. I go down the hill, all seems good then one ski broke and drove me into a tree, hitting my head. I stand up but I already see paramedics and the guys going down the hill. I don't know why the snow is reddish color. I am just more concerned by my head, it hurts like hell.

"Why is the snow reddish?" I asked, dumbly.

Then I reach up to feel my forehead. I pulled my hand back down to see blood. Shit. I crack my head open. No wonder I have a headache. I really want to say I told you so. The paramedics gave me some painkillers and brought me up to the cabin. For some free hot chocolate. At least now I relaxed.

"You have to take it easy for a couple days." The paramedics said.

I think the pain killers are very strong, I can barely understand him. I am loopy doopy. I feel weird. Lily and I walk into this box. It felt like we are going down. Then it raised a little. The doors opened, with light seeking in the box. I get out of the box and head to a car. I sat in the back in the middle. I am jumping up and down.

Mitch came on my right since Lily is on my left. I grabbed Mitch by his shirt. I cuddled into him.

"I think the pain killers are very strong." Lily said.

"What are those?" I asked getting excited. Jumping again.

They just looked at me, like yep.

"Caroline, stop moving the car." Jerome said.

"Sowwy." I was about to cry.

"Jerome! Why you do that she is going to cry." Lily yelled.

"Me don't like fighting." I whimpered.

No noise.

"Me like Mitch." I said.

Some of them giggled.

"Me like Caroline." Mitch said.

"No! Me like you. Who's Caroline?"

"That's you!" Mitch said.

"Me is Caroline?"

"Yah, you is Caroline." Lily said.


Everyone laughed.

"What you doing?"

"Getting out of the car." Mitch said.

"No! Don leave."

Mitch pulled me out of the car. He has me in his hands. He is walking towards the door. I fell some pain come back.

"What is this pain in my head?"

"Those are called stitches." Mitch said, setting me down on the couch.

"No, not that I mean what the hell happen while I was in Looney Toons Town."

The guys laughed.

"Tell me the story, or show me a video of what happened."

"You so lucky, I have this on video well not the part you we skiing on of them broke and you hit the tree. The paramedics gave you some medicine, the rest I have on my phone." Lachlan laughed.

"Oi! Fish fucking fish." I said.

"What?" They all said staring at me.

"I forgot what the elevator was."

They laughed. I stormed to the kitchen to think of a plan. A plan, that involved food. Larry's dead. Okay let's see a cake with something that makes your teeth a color, but washes off in a liquid. I am baking a cake. I get some icing and the frosting ready. Just to practice, some decorations that I was taught. When I was young that I still had good friends.

That cake was cool enough to put some frosting on. First I don't frost it, I put a layer that will change their teeth color. (Fondant) . Then make it look like the best god damn cake ever. I start with the top of the cake. So innocent flowers. I made a borders around the cake, when the boys checked up on me, I put the cake in the fridge. Vikk must've known to let me cool down for 2 hours.


"Hey, whatcha doing?" Jerome said.

"Well, I just finished a cake."

They all are looking at me like what. I took the cake back out. It was fully decorated. Their eyes went wide like little kids wanting to open presents on Christmas Eve. A hand reached out to touch it.

"No touching the cake!" I swatted the person's hand away.

" looks so good." Vikk said.

"You can have some after dinner." 

How I met the TheBajanCanadianOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz