Author's Issues/ knowing what's going on

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Hey guys, it is me. The Author. So yeah, I am back in school now. Okay I am fairly busy again. So can I ask for you to be patience. I am getting back into thing here. I joined the academic team so I have afternoon practice on Monday and morning before school practice on Tuesday. Plus I have a duet and trio for band. A new book that our class is doing. I have like two pages of annotations for each chapter so far. 

I have a family tree for social studies. For immigration. So my sister and I have to do a family tree together because of twins. I have math. I am trying for the Rebecca Caudill Books of 2015 to 2016. Plus practically everything is more hectic. Since back in school. Yep. Plus our band has to go to competition. We have a spring concert. Health, which isn't so bad, yet. 

A new came to our school today. Amazing, she moved back, but we had 5 new kids before her and moved again except one. Probably because our band, and homework. Our homework usually takes like 2 hours if it is a heavy homework night. I am a library helper so, I only have one studyhall a week in classes. 

My grandparents are getting well then sick. So yeah. I will continue this book when I can.     

PEACE OUT!!! <3  

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