Chapter 12 : Jerome's Date

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Caroline P.O.V.
I am going to call Lily to see what she is up to. ( L- Lily C- Caroline )
C- hey
L- hey
C- did you call him
L- yeah I am going on a date with him and I need help picking out a outfit can you help me
C- OMG yes be there in a few
L- see you then bye xoxo
C- bye xoxo
I am going to leave a note for them.
Dear Mitch and Jerome,
I went to my friends house be back at 8:00 pm
Love Caroline
I arrive to Lily's house. We are going to the spa and go shopping. I am going to love this.
Jerome P.O.V.
I woke up and went to the kitchen to see a note and I read the note. I have to get ready to go on my date with Lily. So I woke up Mitch to asked him get ready to go on a date with Lily. Oh and Caroline went to her friends house she will be back at 8
~*2 hours Before the date*~

Caroline P.O.V.
Lily you are going to look beautiful tonight. We are getting ready to pick out dresses for Lily to wear I picked three dresses. The first one was a strapless blue dress. The second one was a red dress with straps. Finally the third dress was a purple strapless dress. Lily decided to get the blue strapless dress. She took a shower and put on the dress then she did her makeup and I did her hair.
Jerome P.O.V.
Mitch picked out a white shirt and black pants with a black jacket. I am finally done and it was 7:45.
Caroline P.O.V.
I am going to drive my car since I have to go home. I said this before we got inside I live here. We got inside to see Jerome all dressed up and Mitch by his side. ( M-Mitch J- Jerome l- Lily c-Caroline )
C- hey guys I am back
J- hey Lily
L- hey Jerome
M- let's go in the kitchen Caroline
C- ok
J- you look nice
L- you too
J- let's go
L- ok
J- bye guys
M-C- bye don't have to much fun
Me and Mitch talked
C- did you know about this
M- yeah but I didn't know your friend is Lily
C- and I didn't know Jerome met Lily
M- do you want to watch a movie
C- sure I will pop the popcorn
Me and Mitch watch a movie but I fell asleep in the middle of the movie and I guess Mitch did too.
~*After the date*~
Lily P.O.V.
Jerome walked me up to my house and kissed me. Then Jerome walked to his car and left.
Jerome P.O.V.
~*At the house*~
I saw Caroline and Mitch asleep together on the couch so I took a picture and posted it on Instagram. I went upstairs to my bedroom and fell asleep.

Hey guys I have some news I have a titter now so yeah my name is @jelly_bean1001. I hope you like this and make sure you leave a comment and vote. And thank you for the reads it means so much to me. PEACE OUT
Writer xoxo

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