Midnight Rush

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Caroline POV

We finally got to the hospital. I got rushed into a room, and Mitch couldn't follow me. I was pulled into the x-Ray room, and a bunch of other rooms to get casts and other equipment on. Then a room that I was just in. I have a sprained elbow, an broken radius (arm), and an bruised leg. I had been giving medicine, I just have to stay here for a little bit and then I get released. I kind of want my phone. So Mitch came in I asked him to unlock it and to give it to me. I got my phone it is more like on my one leg, while I, check my message. Guess what it is from the bitch.

"Hey, do you like my front of my car?" Bitch said. (Sophia).

Okay, my blood is boiling. It was her, she was the one who caused me with two casts on. Well technically one and another one with a sling, but that is besides the point. She could of killed me, I think that was her motive.

"Caroline, babe, what's wrong?" Mitch asked, worriedly.

"It's nothing, I just know who caused all this to happen." I said, bitterly.

"Who did this?" Mitch asked, angered.

"Read this text right after the accident." I handed it to him just to show him that one text.

"Who is this?" Mitch asked.

"Sophia, also known as Matt's ex girlfriend." I gave him an emotionless face.

Then people start coming in the door more like stampeding in. Who is it? Lily, Jerome, Matt, Lachlan, and Rob. They like utterly gasped as they walked in. Gees I look that horrible or is it my casts?

"Who did this to you?" Lily said, with venom in her voice.

I stated an knowing look. Like who the fuck do you think it is.

"Mitch show them the text right after the accident." I mumbled.

I just sat there looking in my lap. Playing with my fingers. Then a police officer came in to my room, and send everyone out. With Matt handing my phone back to me. The police officer, was about as tall as me, and has a mustache.

"Miss. Johnson, sorry to intrude but you need to answer some questions of the car accident." The police officer said.

I just nodded my head slowly before he starts asking questions.

"Does anyone have a motive to kill you, Miss. Johnson?"

"Call me Caroline, but I am pretty sure someone has a motive to kill me. Her name is Sophia Quake. She sent me a text right after the accident." I said very fragile.

"May I see the text message?" The officer said.

"You may, I will just unlock my phone and show you the contact, I may not have her in my contacts, but I checked the numbers with hers."

I handed him my phone, then wrote something in his notebook.

"Have a good day ma'am. Contact the police if you get anymore texts from her." The officer then left, letting everyone back in.

I get to leave which is probably like the best thing ever. I just have someone sign my name. It kind of a downer, wait that means no minecraft. Nooooooooo. I can at least vlog, but I have to have Lily edit it for me. I can barely do anything. I need at least one hand here. Lily signed my name for me, mostly because she writes just like me, or at least knows what my name looks like when I do it. I get the passenger side because space and I can get less hurt up here. Kind of. Plus, I like thee front.

I look at the time, it is like midnight. Well I don't feel tired at all. Sarcasm. I am so glad we got home before I like fell asleep in the car.

Lily opening my door, practically doing everything for me for this night. Opened my door, help me dress in pajamas. I then went to bed in Mitch's and I's bed. Falling asleep quickly.

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