Why oh why? (Part 4 of the Cruise)

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Caroline POV

Today, I woke up at like 4 in the morning. I slept good, once I open my eyes I can't fall back to sleep unless if it is two in the morning. I don't think it is good but oh well, I am too comfortable to move an inch, or at least get out of the warm bed. I just stared at Mitch's face. I just studied his features.

He woke up, we just stared into our eyes. Drawing us closer, and closer. Till we kiss. Then we break away, after the romantic kiss. The breakfast bar opens at 8 and it is now, 6. Two hours I have been staring at Mitch. Wow!

I don't want to get up, though.

"Come on babe, you have to get out of bed." Mitch said.

"I don't wanna though." I said, in my sweet voice.

"I know, but do you want food?" Mitch said.

I am actually feeling a little bit hungry, curse you stomach! Plus, I am always hungry.

"Okay, fine." I said, giving up.

"That's what I thought, now go get ready." He said.

"Okay, don't get food without me." I said, to hipper.

I grabbed some clothes, and went in the bathroom, to get ready. I think, I rushed a lot, because I am starving now, since he mentioned food. God dang it. I am out of the bathroom probably the second fastest time for a girl. Why oh why did he have to mention food?

Now, we have to wait, more like me pouting and Mitch laughing.

Short chapter I know but I have writers block, it is not good because of the stories. Plus, I am going on vacation this week so yeah, I am not going to post any chapters for when I am on vacation.

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