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Caroline POV

We went to the Team Crafted house to pack our things. Mitch has tickets back to Canada. I think, Mitch is inviting a few other people to the house. Let's just say it is snowing up there. We are leaving tomorrow for the flight, along with all of our stuff. They already sold the house so we have to get all of our stuff out by tomorrow.

-------Time Skip-------

We just landed in Canada. Home? Home. We went to the house. Lily and I unpacked while Jerome and Mitch go get the people that we are skiing with tomorrow. We even unpacked the guys stuff because we wanted to. We went to the kitchen played some music and cooked food. Lily was dancing to the music, she pulled me into doing some of my dance moves. Then we were laughing our buts off.

Somebody, turned off the music. I jolted up and hid behind Lily. To see all three strangers plus Jerome and Mitch here.

"Chill Caroline, ils sont les gars, nous allons skier avec. ( Chill Caroline, they are the guys we are going skiing with. )" Lily said, in French.

"D'accord, Hey pensezvous qu'ils sont agréables? ( Okay, hey do you think they are nice?)"

"Croyez-moi, je suis sûr qu'ils sont très gentils, si quoi que ce soit qu'ils sermons les taquineries. ( Believe me, I am sure they are very nice, if anything they will be teasing.)" Lily said.

"Si vous le dites, si vous n'avez pas mon dos droite?" (If you say so, if not you have my back, right?)"

"Toujours. (Always.)" Lily said.

"Hi my name is Lily and this is Caroline." Lily said, as I waved.

They didn't look at me weirdly, they didn't looked weirded out by us talking in French. I am never good with people. I bet Mitch told them.

"My name is Lachlan, this is Vikk, and this is Rob." Lachlan said in a thick Australian accent.

I am so glad we finished cooking.

"Did you guys eat yet?"

"Well yes but I heard you are a good cook so I am sure we can eat." Vikk said, smiled.

"Okay." I smiled.

Everyone grabbed a plate or bowl to eat mac and cheese. My recipe anyway. Yes I made my own recipe. Hopefully they like it, we all ate in laughter and joy. Mostly me quiet as a mouse, but I could stopped my self from laughing on the few of the jokes. Lily, already gave them a death glare once for trying to put their bags just laying on the ground.

I swear she could easily hot-headed for almost everything, she wanted to punch everyone of the group that used to harm me. I know right, way over protective. She almost insulted Lachlan for having a Lego tag. I had to cover her mouth before anything else happened. I also had to explain that she did had red hair. Plus, she is mostly the reason why the house is clean.

Don't get me wrong I am neat freak, but when we have company or we are in a prank war, I decide to clean afterwards. She can be so dramatic, sometimes. I think the boys are a little bit more careful around her. Sometimes, if you get her mad enough you can see a vein popping out of her head. It is quite funny, but for warning never laugh in her face when she is mad.

I question how Jerome's relationship is working with Lily. I can see their love, but they fight sometimes. It is weird how they have it. They fight then make out like nothing happened. One time I had to hold her back by singing a little phrase. Well, I wanted to record but, I want to see them. They make me laugh and that is fairly impossible. We are watching a movie. Well kind of.

"What do you want to watch?"

"Star Wars." Rob said.

"Maze Runner." Lachlan said.

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