Chapter 15 : Prank War

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BTW it is at the end of the prank war to the story

Caroline P.O.V.

Since me and Mitch were on a team we are going to prank all of them. We are going to write on their faces. Then we will get a blown horn and make it blow. Then we will run outside were there was going to be two buckets full of water balloons but they are filled with paint of course it was washable on buildings but not on clothes. We have a perfect cover to we are going to pretend we are going on a date. We are going to wear fancy clothes but I will have a purse to put our original clothes back on.

~*The "DATE"*~

We said to the guys that we are leaving for a date bye
First thing we did was go to the grocery store to change and get supplies. Then we filled up the balloons. Then we got two blown horns. Then we got back in our fancy clothes so they won't know that we weren't on a date. So we got back and went to our room to talk.
~*12:00 am*~
Caroline P.O.V. (still)
Me and Mitch were in the living room to decide what rooms we get. Mine were Quentin, Jason,and Adam. Mitch were Ty, Ian, and Jerome. After that we got our blown horns ready and the sound went off. Everyone walked out of their rooms and starred at us as they chased us to the backyard were our balloons were ready to throw. So after the balloons ran out we jumped in a car and drove off to Ian's house luckily we have a key and spend the rest of the night sleeping at Ian's place.

~*In the Morning*~
Caroline P.O.V. (still)
We woke up and talked about what happened last night. Me and Mitch had to go back but they will kill us when they see us so we have to create a plan so we did an hour and a half later. We drove back there so as expected there was a spy looking for the car. But we got there and sneaked in bedroom window as soon as we got there we saw all of them in the room still with the drawings on their faces so we laughed our heads off till someone picks us up and headed outside to throw us in the pool but I got out of their grip and they ran after Ian and Jerome . But they didn't listen to me so I kicked them and tripped them to the floor and Mitch ran out but I didn't. I warn them I am a black belt in karate but they came towards me as tripped most of them and ran towards to our door it was locked so I said it is Caroline plz open the door plz I am hear alone. The door opened and I slipped in seeing Mitch saying everything that happened he was shocked that I have a black belt. I took swimming and track to get away from my parents. So should we just let them throw us in the pool so we can return to our normal lives. Yeah I am getting hungry Mitch said. But before we turn ourselves in I have my blown horn so when we open the door plug ears because I am going to blow it. We open the door to see them I pulled it out and said we surrender. Somewhat do we have to do jump in the pool clean whatever we have to do just tell us now. They all looked shocked and said you have to jump in the pool. Ok we walked to the to the backward and jump in the pool. So it was supper time so I am guessing it is me and Mitch has to make supper. It look like it is our time to do it. They all asked did you hit your head or something we missed. We did not hit our heads. Well since we have to make supper might as well start making it.
They looked at us that we set up everything and cooked delicious food that was filling. Bye see you guys in the morning and went to my pjs on after I got change Mitch came in and changed. We both kiss and talk as we fell asleep.
End of the Prank War
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Writer xoxo

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