Unspoken Tree

631 11 10

Warnings: Slight smut

We arrived at The Three Brother Rocks. I guess you can tell what I was doing.

I was doing it bc I trusted him.

"Okay. Before I show you what I'm going to show you, you have to promise not to speak a word of anything you'll see."

"I promise."

"Okay and also you have to hold your breath for at least 2 minutes so be prepared." I said making sure to tell him so he doesn't die.

"Got it."

We arrived at the entrance. I told Lo'ak to control his breathing now. I took one last breath before going under.

YaYa was going fast, but not to fast to where we would fly off. We had at least one minute left to go, when I felt the pressure on YaYa get lighter.

I turned to see Lo'ak fell off, his eyes were closed.


I signed YaYa to stop. I swam to Lo'ak grabbing him, then swimming back to YaYa. I signed for her to go as fast as she could, which she didn't hesitate to do.

We got there in the matter of 20 seconds. I hopped off of YaYa. I grabbed Lo'ak dragging him by my sauna bath.

"Lo'ak! Lo'ak come on get up!" I yelled shaking him.

I began giving him mouth to mouth. I kept listening to hear his heartbeat, it was very distinct.

"Oh come on!" I yelled giving Lo'ak mouth to mouth. I kept breathing into his mouth, listening to his heartbeat.

I was like a broken record. I was doing the same thing over and over.

I sent one more long breath into his mouth when I felt hands snake around my head, smashing his lips onto mine.

I jumped out of the kiss.

"You asshole!" I punched his shoulder.

He was faking.

"Ow! I'm sorry I just thought it would be funny!" He laughed instantly regretting laughing.

My eyes began to tear. I thought I lost him.

"No shithead it wasn't funny I thought you died!" I said putting my hands over my face. I honestly think I was crying out of anger.

I thought he died because of me.

"Nīya, I'm so sorry I didn't know it would make you cry." He said walking towards me, wrapping his arms around me.

"It was my idea to come here, I thought I really lost the only boy I've ever loved so-" I gasped putting my hands over my mouth dramatically.

"You-you love me?" He asked, pulling back from he hug.

"I mean I would say no, but I basically just snitched on myself." I smacked my forehead with my hand.

"Nīya I-I love you too." He said smiling.

"Really?" I asked taking my hand away from my face.

"I mean I would say no, but I basically just snitched on myself." He mocked me.

"Oh shut up!" I laughed, pushing him.

"No but all seriousness, I do." He said grabbing my hand, interlocking his fingers. His smile was the prettiest most precious thing I've ever seen.

It always gave me butterflies. I just looked at him smiling. Soon I looked away, letting go of his hand.

"This is what I wanted to show you by the way if you haven't noticed." I turned, looking around us.

Oel Ngati Kameie |I see you| Lo'ak x readerWhere stories live. Discover now