My Sweet Angel

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Warnings: You might cry bc I definitely did😕

It's been 2 weeks since I lost YaYa. I'm really trying to put on a smile, but it feels like I lost my sibling.

I was so close with her. We were inseparable. I don't feel like eating or doing anything but Lo'ak refuses to let that happen.

He's been helping me eat, and trying to distract me by going out and doing things. It's nice that he's been giving me motivation, but I can't help but think about YaYa.

I really appreciate him for trying but it isn't working. It isn't making me feel better. It does in the moment but then reality hits me and I feel depressed all over again.

All I want to do is lay in my bed. I don't want to eat. I don't want to go places. I don't want to leave. I just want to stay here.

But I can't do that either because I have a child to take care of. I can't just zone myself out from the world when I have a child.

I woke up to Nī'yek's crying as always. It was at least 4am. I propped myself up against the huts wall to feed him. I kept having to wake up to feed him and watch him because he's sick.

I think he has a cold.

I'm so tired mentally and emotionally. My head started to tilt. I kept fighting the sleep. All I wanted to do was sleep. I haven't got a full night of sleep because my brain just won't shut off.

I keep thinking about ways I could've prevented YaYa from dying. I could've told her to go and I could've took Quaritch down. I snapped out of my thoughts by Nī'yek coughing.

I patted him on his back. He started throwing up the milk he just drank. I jumped up, running to grab something to clean it up with.

It was everywhere. His face, his diaper and loincloth, my spot. Well if I was planning on going back to bed, now I'm not.

I'm going to have to wait for Lo'ak to get up to change the bedding. I grabbed a rag, cleaning Nī'yek up.

He started crying. I finished cleaning him off, then changing him, before grabbing him. I put his head over my shoulder, bouncing him slightly. He wouldn't stop crying.

I don't know how Lo'ak managed to sleep through all of this. I continued to bounce him. He still wouldn't stop crying.

I grabbed a cover, wrapping him in it. I then left. I was taking him to the water.

I know it wasn't the best idea to take him outside, but I heard people say white noise and stuff helped their babies fall asleep. So here I was, taking Nī'yek by the water to see if he  would fall asleep to the sound of waves.

I hoped his crying wouldn't wake anyone in the village up this early. I would understand if they got pissed because I would too. I mean it's like 4 in the morning.

I walked to a part of the beach where there was large rocks. The waves crash harder against rocks. It creates more sound.

I sat us like 5 feet from the rocks. I didn't want us to get splashed by the water, so I sat us from a distance.

The waves crashing was loud but relaxing. Nī'yek's crying soon came to a stop. It worked! He re-positioned his head onto my shoulder, his body still wrapped in the cover.

His breathing started to slow down. He started falling asleep. I could hear his breathing in my ear. It was calm and slow. I realized he lightly snores like Lo'ak.

It's so adorable.


It's been at least 2 hours because now the sun was rising. I've been crying for 2 hours. I took this as an opportunity to cry.

Oel Ngati Kameie |I see you| Lo'ak x readerWhere stories live. Discover now