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I woke up from my nap. I decided not to get all cute and stuff because I just wasn't feeling it. I was still tired from being up all night with Lo'ak.

I'm pretty sure he felt the same way. I walked out of my hut. My mother and father were sitting with Neytiri and Jake.

"Good morning Nīya." Neytiri said smiling.

Oh shit. Did they know?

"Hey guys, um what are you doing here so early?" I asked them.

"They're here to discuss some stuff with us, and Nīya it's s a hour until eclipse. You slept all day." My mother told me.

I forced myself to sleep but managed to sleep all day? Weird.

"Oh uh okay well I'm gonna go now." I said awkwardly, walking towards the huts opening.

What could they be talking about?

"Nīya are you okay?" Neytiri asked me as I was heading towards the huts entrance.

I turned to look at her."Yeah why?"

"It's just your walking weird." She said, she had a confused look on her face.

Fuck. Lo'ak. If I could strangle him right now I would.

"Oh uh yesterday I stepped on a sharp rock." I made an excuse.

"Are you okay? Were you bleeding?" Jake asked.

He didn't really talk to me but when I mentioned I was hurt, he was the first one to check on me. He was right even though he doesn't show he cares, deep down he does.

"Oh no it didn't break skin but it still hurts. Thank you for checking on me though."

He nodded his head. I just walked out before it got weirder.

I was walking along the beach. I decided to sit down where I usually sat. The sand was so warm, so comforting. So soft. I missed having enough time to actually be able to sit on the beach and just think.

I was just in my thoughts when I then heard someone walking up to me. I didn't turn to see who it was because I assumed it was Lo'ak. I was wrong.

It was Ao'nung. He sat beside me. He was all smiley.

"Hey sis."

"What's wrong with you?" I questioned him with a disgusted look. Seeing him being all smiley made me want to throw up.

"Ohhhh's just I know your secret." He was smirking at me.

How? Was he talking about what I thought he was talking about? I was just going to play it off. I wasn't going to freak out because I didn't even know what he was going to say.

"I don't know what your talking about." I looked away from him, looking back at the water.

"Ohhh but Nīya you do."

"Do I? I don't think so?" I shrugged.

"Oh so you don't know that I know you and Lo'ak mated?"

I froze. Was I dreaming?! This can't be real. How did he know?!

He wrapped his arm around my neck. "You didn't think that no one was going to find out...did you? Cause if you did you'd be stupid." He had a giant smirk plastered on his face.

"Now it would be real crazy if I told mom and got him and his family sent home now wouldn't it?"

"How- how di" He cut me off.

Oel Ngati Kameie |I see you| Lo'ak x readerWhere stories live. Discover now