Alone Time

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I woke up feeling the slight breeze from the wind. It was refreshing until I felt the sun start beaming on my face.

I opened my eyes. The bright sun shined in my eyes. Strange. My bed felt squishier than usual. I gained focus to see I wasn't laying in my bed.

I was laying on the beach. Why was I on the beach? I then looked up, seeing Lo'ak. I laid in between his legs, my head resting on his lap.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiled while stroking my hair.

I got up confused. What did we do yesterday? I swear I don't remember falling asleep here. I instantly got flash backs from the other night. Oh shit. Please don't tell me we did...

"Lo'ak...did we fall asleep on the beach?"

He slightly laughed.

"No no we didn't it's just I got up super early and I wanted to watch the sunrise, so I grabbed you and brought you out here with me."

I was still confused.

"But why? You could've just left me in bed, I would've been fine."

"Well, I really love sunsets and I love you, so I wanted to be able to watch the two things I love and adore most."

A big smile grew across my face. My heart began to race. He's so thoughtful. What did I do to deserve him?

"Oh Lo'ak, that's so sweet." I said bringing him in for a hug. He tightly hugged me back.

I pulled back giving him a sweet and gentle kiss, in which he returned.

He wasn't as rough and eager this time. I was expecting it to escalate from here as usual, but it didn't.

Why was he acting different? He pulled away, stroking my hair again.

"You're so gorgeous. I love you Nīya." He said, hugging me.

I hugged him back laughing."Lo'ak, what has gotten into you?"

He squeezed me tightly one last time before pulling back. When he pulled back he grabbed my hands.

"Nothing, I just love you that's all." He widely smiled.

"Okay?" I awkwardly laughed.

He wasn't his usual self. He was acting strange. He was being nice? Almost to nice. I then stood up, dusting the sand off of me. He got up as well.

"I'm hungry. Let's go eat breakfast." He said, grabbing my hand.

"I didn't even get ready." I whined.

"You don't need to, you look gorgeous I promise."

"Okay well thank you but I'm definitely changing after breakfast." I slightly laughed.

He nodded. We then started walking towards the main hut.

We got to the main hut to only see Tsireya, Ao'nung, Kiri, Neteyam, Tuk, and Rotxo at the table. We walked over to them, sitting down.

"Where's everyone at?" I asked them.

"Well they said they needed some parent bonding time so I'm assuming they went hunting." Tsireya shrugged.

My parents? We're hanging out with the Sully's? That's odd...

After we all ate breakfast, me and Lo'ak started heading back to our hut. Once we got in I plopped on our bed. It was so much more comfortable than my old one.

I let out a dramatic sigh.

"I thought you were gonna get ready?" Lo'ak asked me.

"I a minute or two....or maybe an hour." I pretended to fall asleep.

Oel Ngati Kameie |I see you| Lo'ak x readerWhere stories live. Discover now