I'm Sorry.

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It's been 5 months since Nīya's told everyone she's pregnant. When she told me I couldn't believe we would actually start a family this soon.

I was beyond happy that I really am going to spend the rest of my life with her. I was even happier that my dad accepted it.

Her pregnancy has been hell for me just as much as it's been for her. I love her so so much but her mood swings suck.

I try to be nice and get her her favorite foods or things but she either cry's or complains. Like the other day, I tried getting her some fruits that I know she really likes, and she cried.

"Nīyaaaa." I happily sung.

"Yes Lo'ak?" She was in bed. I had hid a tray of her favorite fruits behind my back.

"Look what I got you.." I pulled the tray out from behind me.

"My favorite!" She said excitedly. I walked over to her, setting down the tray. She began eating them. She then spit them out.

"Did they go bad?" I asked her, grabbing the tray. I put one in my mouth. It tasted the same. Sweet and juicy.

She began to cry. "They don't taste the same." She brought her hands to her face, crying in her palms.

My heart hurt for her. I felt so bad.

"Oh Nīya, you want me to get you something else?"

"No, I'm not hungry anymore." She snapped, continuing to cry.

"Okay jeez." I said under my breath. I really hoped she didn't hear me.

I'm trying so hard to be here for her because I know she needs me, but she's making it so hard.

I tried talking to Neteyam about it but he sounded like a broken record.

"You make adult choices, you're gonna get adult consequences."


"No one made that decision for you, you did."

Him saying that pissed me off. He made it seem as if it was an accident. I mean it was but it's not like I regret it.

I want to start a family with Nīya. I can't wait to have one of our own. I know I sound like a broken record as well but I mean it when I say I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Nīya.

I don't know why he didn't give me better advice because at the end of the day,"he cannot wait to be an uncle".

The only person I can talk to is my dad. And I feel like if I do he's going to give me a life long speech about what it's like becoming a dad, and how to be a dad.

I definitely don't want to take advice from him for that. He wasn't and still isn't the best dad. And I don't want to be like him, so I'm going to do what I think is right.

He still knows how to put up with pregnancy hormones though, so I'm definitely going to talk to him about that.

I rolled over to see Nīya still sleeping.

She finds it hard to sleep on her side, so she sleeps on her back. I can't hold her by her waist anymore because of that so now I sleep distant from her.

It kinda hurts not being able to hold her while I go to sleep, but it's for a good cause. She's pregnant with our baby so I can't even be mad.

I silently got up, making my way out the hut. Here I was, heading to my parents hut to ask my dad for advice.

Oel Ngati Kameie |I see you| Lo'ak x readerWhere stories live. Discover now