My YaYa

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It's been a month since Lo'ak left. My heart is still completely broken. I can't believe I made it this far without him. It still doesn't feel real.

I know that I talk about him as if he's dead, but it definitely feels that way. Not being able to see him makes it feel that way.

I was thinking of Lo'ak, then I started zoning out.

I then thought of the water, and then YaYa popped up in my head. I quietly gasped to myself. I just now realized that I haven't seen YaYa since the Sully's left.

My heart hurts for her. She probably thinks I found another Ilu.

I hope not.

I decided to get up and get changed. I changed into a lazy outfit, putting my hair into a lazy bun.

I brushed my teeth, then threw a mint leaf in my mouth. I didn't bother looking in the mirror because I don't care what I looked like.

I walked out of my room, leaving out the hut. My eyes began adjusting to the sun. I didn't really think my room was that dark. I guess I was wrong.

I put my hand up, blocking my eyes from the sun. I began walking towards the sand. There were many people around doing their daily routines.

They all stopped what they were doing to look at me.

They all looked at me worried. They must've been worried that I haven't been out of my room in a month.

I just shrugged it off. I was definitely keeping my eye out. I wasn't trying to see my parents.

I didn't want to see them. I didn't want to see anybody, but yet I went where I knew everyone was going to be.

I hurried towards the water, avoiding confrontation.

"Woo tuk tuk woo!" I called for YaYa.

I turned back around to see everyone looking at me, gossiping to someone near by. I just rolled my eyes. They could stare all they wanted.

I then heard a loud squeal.

My YaYa!

She swam up, splashing me with water.

"Okay okay calm down." I laughed, blocking my face from the water.

"Nīya! It's you! I missed you so much!" She squealed.

"Yeah I missed you to YaYa!" I told her.

"Want to go for a swim?!" She asked me.

"You don't need to ask!" I hopped on, connecting my queue.

We then took off. I didn't know where to go. I definitely didn't want to go to the cave, I'd probably cry.

Going to the cave would definitely be my breaking point. I couldn't be somewhere where me and Lo'ak once were, together, happy, in love.

It was our cave. We then stopped at another part of the island, just less crowded.

"What are we doing here?" I asked her hopping off.

"I didn't want to be around all those people, so we came here."

"You think just like me." I smiled at her."Want to play find the seashell?"


"Okay go find a seashell!"

She then swam off to find one. It was so pretty. It was pink and white.

"Okay ready...." I threw the seashell. "Go!"

She quickly swam off going to find it. She brought it back within a couple of seconds.

"God YaYa, you've gotten so fast!" I laughed. We continued playing for a few hours.


"Nīya... I'm bored." She squealed weakly.

"Okay okay, I guess we can stop playing." I playfully rolled my eyes. Silence fell upon us. The sounds of the waves were the only noises that filled the air.

"Nīya, I have a question?"

"What is it?"

"Have you been...eating?..."

I paused. I didn't want to lie to her but I didn't want her to worry for me. Anyways why would she think that?

"Yeah I have, why?"

"Oh nothing." She squeaked.

Well that was out the blue.

"Okay so you want to just go ride around?" I changed the subject.


I hopped on.


We're been riding around for a little while now. I was laid back on her, looking up at the sky.

We talked the entire time. I updated her on everything that has been going on.

"Yeah I'm sorry I didn't come to see you the entire time." I said. I felt so bad for her.

"No it's okay, I figured something was going on because you didn't come to see me."

"I'm so happy you understand, I love you YaYa." I stroked her side.

"I love you too Nīya." She happily squealed.

We continued riding around. Usually we'd see an Akula by now, but we haven't. The sun began to set. It was a little past eclipse.

"Nīya it's getting dark, I'm going to take you home now."


I didn't want to go home. I loved being with YaYa. If I could, I would be with her 24/7.

We then arrived back at the island.

"Thank you for spending time with me." I thanked her.

"Anytime Nīya! Bye!" She squealed, splashing me before swimming away.

"Hey!" I called out laughing.

I just now realized the entire time I was with her, I was smiling and laughing. I haven't done that in a month.

It felt good to be actually feel somewhat happy again. Until I'm not. I began walking back to my hut. My smile had disappeared.

I was the same old Nīya again, not the one who was always smiling, always laughing. The one who's depressed and wants to die.

I silently walked back in to the hut, careful not to alert anyone that I was there. I was hoping Tsireya or Ao'nung weren't here.

I finally made it to my room. I let out a big sigh.

I then walked over plopping onto my bed. I was used to the feeling, it didn't even feel nice to plop down on it anymore.


I laid on my back, looking at the roof. I just don't understand. Why can't I just have Ma Lo'ak back?

Why can't I just be with him?

Word count:1026
I love YaYa with all my heart, she's just the sweetest.😕🫶

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