Another One

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I woke up to it raining outside. It wasn't light outside. It had to have been around 3am. The sound of the rain hitting the huts roof was so relaxing. I loved when it rains. I just overall love rain.

I love the noises it makes hitting different surfaces, I love how foggy it gets outside, I love the thunder and lighting. I just love everything about it.

Seeing the rain made me happy. I then went from being relaxed to shocked. I realized me and Lo'ak didn't do the things we planned on doing.

We both fell asleep, not finishing what we started. I felt so disappointed in myself. I really wanted to, but I couldn't help but take the opportunity to sleep without having to wake up in the middle of the night.

I could say we both definitely needed it though. We're both exhausted. Being a parent is extremely exhausting. But it's also worth it.

I could actually touch Lo'ak as we slept because Nī'yek wasn't in between us. I scooted closer to him, wrapping my arm around his waist, snuggling my head into his chest.

He was so warm; It was comforting. I took in his scent. I don't really know how to describe how he smells. He just smells like himself. He has his own signature scent.

I squeezed him tightly, knowing this moment won't last forever. My eyes grew hazy again. I soon fell back asleep.


I blinked slowly, waking up again. The sun was now rising and the rain had stopped. My body was still against Lo'ak's, his left arm cupping my ass.

I laughed at the feeling. He's really obsessed with my ass even when he's sleeping. I slid out of his arms from underneath, trying not to wake him up.

I really didn't have any plans besides getting up to stretch. That was the first time in a while that I actually was able to sleep. It felt so nice.

I stood at the foot of our bed stretching out my back and my arms, then my neck. I sat on the floor, lifting my ass in the air, my hands reaching forward. I haven't stretched my back in a while.

I just think it needs to be cracked. I sat up, my legs laid out in front of me. I let out a loud sigh. I then thought back to yesterday.

Since Lo'ak did me a favor, should I do one for him? And I mean make it real this time and not a dream.

I guess I could wake him up with morning head. I don't think he'd mind. I got up, walking to the end of our bed. He was laying on his back. Perfect.

I then grabbed our cover, lifting it up.  I went head first, pulling the cover down to cover my body.

I made my way up towards him. I poked my head out of the cover, straddling his lap. I leaned forward kissing his lips softly. I then started placing small kisses all on his face. His temples, cheeks, lips, nose.

He smiled. I couldn't tell if he was sleeping or not but I didn't really care. He was going to wake up eventually.

I then started kissing his collar bones. I'm jealous of his collar bones. There so sharp, so noticeable.

I then trailed down, kissing his stomach, making my way to the top of his loincloth in one straight line. I took my time, scooting downwards along the way.

Once I reached the top of his loincloth, I undid it, pulling it down his legs. His dick sprung out. He was already hard. How? Was he awake?

Could he feel everything as he slept?

Oel Ngati Kameie |I see you| Lo'ak x readerWhere stories live. Discover now