Part One: First School Day

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Oliver's POV:

"You better behave at school! I better not have to ground you!" My mom yelled as I got out of the car. It was my first day of attending Umi-High School. I was nervous. It's been years since I been to a new school. Well, when transferring from elementary to middle, and middle to high school for my first two years of high school, it was with the same kids, but this was am entirely new school, clean slate. Hopefully I can make a friend or two.

The morning when great, my teachers seemed to be really nice, and the students seemed to be cool as well, but no friends yet. Lunch came, I barely ate anything this morning so I'm starving. I tried to figure out where to sit, but all the tables were taken, so much for sitting alone.

And then..

"Hey, newbie!"
I turned to see a two kids, probably siblings, trying to wave me over. "Yea you, come over here!"

I gulped. I walked on over and sat down. We all introduced ourselves.

From what I gathered, they are famous in Umicity. They were known as Troublemakers. I got a little nervous around them, but they were being friendly with me, so.. I didn't have any reason to be scared around them, right?

We became friends, though, I wasn't entirely sure if it would last. But hey, at least a few kids were interested in being my friends.

The day ended and I had to walk home since my mom had her book club over and my dad was at work. My sister didn't get out of school until 3 so I had to get home so I could be able to pick her up as soon as I could. I had some time though, I didn't have to pick her up for almost 2 hours. I sat down by a berry bush I found and grabbed a few. It didn't matter if they were poisonous as I couldn't get poisoned. I had some.. unhuman powers and abilities. I ate a few of them, and then, of course, I heard someone talking to me.
"Um, hello?" I looked up to see, well, not a human. He definitely isn't a human. He looked like he was a little bit older than me.

"Um... hi?"

"Are those berries even safe to eat?"

"Probably not." I said. "But I can't get poisoned so it's fine."

I stood up. "Anyways, I have to go, my mom will be mad if I miss curfew. Bye!"

I ran off. Who the heck was that? What was he exactly? He didn't look human whatsoever. Well, I should've said the same about the Troublemakers, they're not exactly human either from the looks of it. Where there a lot of "aliens" or other non human creatures in Umicity. I know there's a lot of people here that are Umi-sized like me and my family, but still.

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