Chapter Twenty One: Maddie

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Helios' POV:

We went to where Milli, Geo, and Bot last remember this mystery person living. I don't know how this person could help, but hopefully she can do something.

"Ok, where here" Milli said. She rang the doorbell.

"When you meet her, don't make a move, both of you, got it?"

Emin gave a "Is he serious" look.
"We haven't even met her. We don't attack unless if they don't have good motives."

"We know, but-"

The door opens. The girl looks very similar to the Troublemakers, well, the brothers at least.
Me and Emin looked at eachother. Ok, this was weird.

"Oh, hi Team Umizoomi. It's been a bit huh?"
She looks at me and Emin. "Who are..." she notices were a bit surprised. "Ugh, they know my brothers, don't they?"

"SHES A TROUBLEMAKER!?" Emin yelled. "Hey, hey, calm down!" I said. "It's fine."
"I'd prefer if you don't call me that, thanks. But yes, I'm related to Levi and Bill."

"Levi and Bill?" Milli asked. "Wait, those are Little and Big Trouble's real names?"
"Yea...?" They still use those nicknames? I thought they left them behind at the orphanage."


"Oh yea, that's why they started causing trouble in the first place. They were scared the three of us would be separated if one of use were to be adopted, so they caused trouble. I stayed out of it, but since they caused trouble all the time, nobody wanted to adopt them, not even me. Then we all bailed about 2 years ago. I went to find a home that would take me in, and then I ended up here. They went to Umicity. They said they'd stop but I guess they went back at it just to try and make others laugh, but then now everyone sees them as villans, so they went worse."

"Oh.." I said.
"Yikes." Milli said.
"Yea, I came back a while ago to see how they were doing and I thought they weren't all that bad. But yea, looking at what's going on now, yea.. I don't think so now. So what's going on?

"Their controlling some kid named Zane." Emin said. "Also, there's another Troublemaker that recently joined, Oliver."
"Oh great." She sighed.
"Ok, come on in, we'll figure out something."

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