Part Ten: Stress and Panic

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Emin's POV:

I paced back and forth trying to wrap my head around what just happened.

I was right. All the concerns I had.. they were all right. Why didn't I go further into it? I should have trusted my gut feeling something was off. I was not only angry at Oliver but at myself a little bit for not looking into this when I should've.

"So.. what are we going to do now...?" Milli asked.

I sighed. "Let's just go tell the others what happened today. Then we can figure out where to go from there."

We gathered the rest of our friends for an emergency meeting.

"What's going on, Emin?"

"Did you invite Oliver? He's part of the team too.. right?" Arecibo Jr asked.

"Thats.. actually why I called this meeting.."

"Is it ok? Is he hurt?"

"I have unfortunate news this morning. Oliver has betrayed us.."

"Betrayed? What do you mean, that Oliver's evil? There's no way! He's way to sweet for that! That should be-" I cut Julie off.
"Impossible? That's what I thought. He ended up joining the Troublemakers. He was friends with them for a while but only just recently joined their team."

"Aww... bummer..." Ami said.
"That sucks. But why the Troublemakers? Of all people-"
"No clue, point is, he have to be more careful now. With three Troublemakers now they can do more harm to the city. Not to mention Oliver is the more powerful out of the three."
"Not as powerful as you though." Geo said.
"Still. He can still hold its own. With how strong it is we still need to be careful. Especially all of you. I'll obviously do my best to protect all of you but please be careful."

I knew I can keep the Troublemakers down for a little while, but I don't know what they could pull. I need to keep an eye out and make sure they don't do anything too vile.

If the Troublemakers weren't already dangerous to the city before, with Oliver on their team, their way more dangerous than ever.

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