Chapter Forty-Eight: Max

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AN: Hey, sorry for the lack of updates. This may be the last plot for Fallen Hero (at least for this book), as I have other projects I want to work on. Will this be the end of some characters, no, I plan to use some characters in my YouTube project Tales of Benji, but for now, this is going to be the last plotline.

This takes place 5 months after the last chapter.

Max's POV:

I wandered through the forest for hours. My right eye was damaged and blinded. Why did this happen, all I wanted was a simple adventure with my friends, but... they betrayed me in the worst way possible. Mom said I shouldn't be their friend, I guess she was right.

I ran for hours until I found a city. I didn't care if it was dangerous or not, at least there was people, and hopefully someone who can help me out.

I wandered the city for a bit, covering my damaged, and bleeding, eye. I found a reflective surface and looked at myself. There was a huge scratch on it and was bleeding fast.

"Shit, I can't believe this."


I looked behind me. A guy with blue skin and black hair was behind me.

"Look, dude, I just need help, my friends stabbed me in the back and my eye is fucked. You mind helping me?"

"Of course I'll help. Come on, I'll get you to the hospital."

He got me to the hospital, and I was in almost immediately. I got the wound cleaned and bandaged up. The doctor said I won't be able to see out of my eye every again, which sucks. I spent a good few weeks in the hospital before the bandages came off and I was free to go.

I walked out the hospital and outside I found the guy who helped me a few weeks ago.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Much better. Hey thanks for helping me a few weeks ago."

"No problem, and sorry for not visiting. I would've but things have been crazy busy."

"Listen, I understand. Everyone has shit they got to deal with."

"Hey, what's your name by the way?"

"Max Evens." I said. "And yours?"

"Emin Williams."

We talked for a bit. Emin was the leader of a group called Team Umizoomi, a group of superheroes. Ok, so superheroes do exist. Thats a thing. Ok then.

I'm in for a ride.

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