Chapter Forty-Five: Raised Eyebrows

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Emin's POV:

Ok, so a few days ago we came across another new face in Umicity. They were a cyclops. I didn't think much of it at first, and I even decided to introduce myself to them, but the way they acted during said encounter was strange. For one, they didn't seem at all interested in talking with me, they even tried ignoring me at first, which really angered me. Maybe their shy? Also, they were being a little rude towards me. I guess they had no interest in talking with me or really anyone for that matter because I noticed when others were trying to talk to them, they showed zero interest.

I'm going to figure out what's going on. For all I know this person could be evil and I couldn't let anything bad happen to Umicity. I alerted the rest of the team to make sure they knew what was going on, though I'm not telling the Troublemakers right away in case if they have anything to do with this, but if this person is going to be a threat to them as well, I'll tell them as soon as I can, but for now I'm keeping it safe. I know if I were to tell them now, one of two things might happen. One, they could be a part of this, and hell breaks loose, or b, they might try to recruit them on to their team if they never knew of this person.

I hope this person has nothing to do with the Troublemakers, or that they're not evil. I need to act quickly if I want any chance of catching this person quickly.

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