Chapter Fifty: The Dragons Curse

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TW: This chapter has a mention of su1c1de (sorry for the censor), if you are sensitive, you have been warned.

Max's POV:

Being in Umicity this past month has been great. Team Umizoomi has been very nice to me, though, I feel like their hiding something from me. I don't know why, but they sometimes just act, really off towards me. I want to confront them about it, but I don't to stir up any drama.

It was getting late, so I decided to go to bed. I had been feeling a little sick the past few weeks. My head hurts, and not like a headache or migraine, but it's like I can feel something like a bump on both sides of my head. Same thing with my back but the bumps are bigger. I may see a doctor tomorrow or see that Tallulah person Emin mentioned. He says she's great with medicines and spells, as she's a witch. I went to bed and took a pain killer to try and ease the pain a little.

I woke up at 3 in the morning to even more pain. There was blood all over me, I was screaming and crying. What the hell was happening to me?

After what felt like forever, I just laid on the floor, silently crying my eyes out. I heard a knock at the door.


I stayed on the floor unable to move. After another minute, he almost kicked my door off the hinges. He was almost taken aback by what happened to me.

"What in the world happened?"

"Just... get me to the hospital... or anyone... please..."

"Y-you have- wings... and horns... and oh- a tail..."


Emin helped me up, he brought me to a mirror, and I looked at myself. I had dragon wings and horns.  I also had a tail. "What the hell...?"

"Let's see Tallulah, maybe she knows what's going on."

He carried me on over to where this person lived. The women came to the door as soon as Emin knocked. She was shocked to say the least.

"Oh dear... come in."

Emin put me down on the couch. I was still in pain, not as much as before, but still in loads of pain. Tallulah grabbed bandages and anything to clean me up.

"I haven't seen anything like this since the 50's. This is... wow..."

"Well, what's happened to him!?" Emin asked.

"This is the dragons curse. It's a rare curse, but it can happen to anyone. Well, anyone from earth anyways..." She says the last sentence eyeing Emin.

"So, this curse is to make people have parts of a dragon, while also being in loads of pain and having blood loss...?" I ask.

Tallulah nods. "Most people I've seen with this curse haven't made it this long, so count yourself lucky."

"So, you have seen this before?"

"Yes, it was more common in the 1900's. Most people who caught the curse are long gone, so it's rare now. The source of the curse anyways was locked away, so either some magic from it escaped or you have someone in your bloodline who made it through the first stages of the curse. Even then, many people have taken their lives because living with the curse has become so unbearable."

"Jesus... that's horrible."

"I always hoped I wouldn't have to see someone with this curse again. Seeing you like this... it's making me emotional. Look, it may be best for me to look after you for the time being. I want to keep you safe."

I smile. "Thanks."

"Do you want me to gather your things, Max? I want you to rest." Emin asked.

I nodded. "Thank you, Emin."

"No problem. I'll be back in a little while."

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