Chapter Twenty-Seven: On the hunt

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Emin's POV:

We all set off to find where the Troublemakers might have taken the Kranson. We checked their lair first, but nobody seemed to be home, so we left. We decided to split up, some of us keep looking in Umicity, and some of us check outside the main entrance of the city.

Me, Julie, and Helios went outside Umicity and left everyone else to stay in the city. It didn't take us long before we found something. The grass.. why was the grass purple?

"Huh, weird? Thats not normal." Julie said.

Then we saw a small village in the trees.

"You think they went in there?" Helios asked.

"Maybe. Doesn't hurt to check. If they're not there, then we come back up to Umicity and check back in with the others." I said.

We went into the village. "Wow, this place is really beautiful." Julie said.

"Yea, it is."

In the center of the village, there was a huge tree. It seemed to be a house. "Um, guys, people are staring."

All the townsfolk were staring and whispering. "Just a hunch, maybe they've all been in this village for their whole lives, without leaving, they've most likely never seen away one from Kransay before." Julie said.

I thought for a moment. That might be true.

"Everyone don't worry. We come in peace!" I said.

"What's going on out here?" 

A women stepped out of the tree home. She looked to be in her later 70's, a blue dress, and faded brown and... purple hair... Oliver said when we were still friends that purple streaks of hair run on his mom's side of the family, as well as magic powers but obviously that missed his mom's generation. I thought for a moment that maybe this is his grandmother. If it isn't then... well, I don't really know, it would've been just a coincidence.

"Oh, you two," she pointed at me and Helios. "I haven't seen someone from outside earth in decades."

"You know about Kransay?" I asked.

"Oh yes, I've seen some Kranson in my earlier days."

"Wait, how old are you exactly?" Helios asked.

"120, why?" She stated.

Julie's mouth dropped. "Um, no offence ma'am, but-"

"Hang on, now this just getting to weird. You don't happen to be a witch, right?"

"Yes, dear, why?"

"Thats what I was afraid of."

"You're thinking what I'm thinking too?" Helios asked.

"Do you have a daughter named Michelle?"

She stood there frozen. "How do you know my daughter?"

"Her son and daughter." Helios said.

"Your grandkids...?"

"Oh, knew I had a grandson, I only met him when he was a newborn, but because of the fact he's a wizard, Michelle cut all ties with me."

"Then yea, she's definitely Oliver and Sarah's grandmother."

"Well, that already gives us our answer, the Troublemakers definitely haven't been around." Julie said.

"Young girl." She started. "Are you related to Julia Hilse by chance?"

"Yes...? Wait, no way you've met her? Or at least know of her."

"Oh yea, I knew her. She was a friend of mine, that is, until we were seperated. She was such a lovely girl. You look so much like her, its... kind of nice to see someone who's somehow related to her again."

Julie smiled.

"Hang on, Umicity it outside of this town right?" She asked.

"Yes, why?"

"If you know of my daughter and grandkids, they must live there, right?"

"Yes, they moved there a few months ago. Although, Michelle is in prison currently."

"Wait, why?"

"She was a piece of living garbage! I mean, yea no wonder Oliver snapped, she was horrible!"

"Oh, I knew my daughter wasn't the best, but I never knew she'd harm anyone. What about the father?"

"Oh, he's cool."

"Oh, well at least the kids have one parental figure. Well, I'm going to find my grandkids."

"Well, we've been trying to find Oliver. Somethings come up and we initially came here to see if it was here but it's clear he's not."

"Well, you'll have some extra help. I'll be back, I'm going to get ready."

Well try to explain the rest of what's going on our way back up to Umicity.

Her name was Tallulah.

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