Chapter Twenty Three: Stuck

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This is a timeskip. And for context, the Troublemakers lived slightly farther away from Umicity. With Sarah's situation they moved closer, just outside of Umicity.

Helios' POV:

We were in a tricky situation. We got to the Troublemakers headquarters, but nobody was to be seen. We couldn't even find a secret entrance, well, the headquarters seemed incomplete, so mabye they weren't done building it.

Chances are they didn't return here yet. It's been a few hours so they should've been back by now.

Emin suggested we steal some of their stuff but there's nothing exactly worth stealing. It seemed like they were just moving in so finding weapons or tools for their troublemaking was difficult. So far, there were just boxes with stuff, which were all just normal things like clothes, stuffed animals, etc. There were signs on each door for everyone. Little Trouble and Oliver were sharing a room, which I found odd at first, there were plenty of rooms so why are they sharing a room. Emin explained Oliver and Little Trouble were dating.

"Wait, Little Trouble is in a relationship?" Maddie asked.
"Yea..?" Emin said.
"Hm, good for him."

There was a room for Big Trouble, then Zane, and a room with a sign with the name Sarah on it. "Who's Sarah?" I asked.

"Oliver's little sister. She switches between living here with her brother and their dad."


We decided to leave and hunt them down. Surely they haven't gone to far. If we couldn't find them in the next hour or two we'd return back to their base to check if they returned.

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