Chapter Forty-Four: Delusion

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Oliver's POV:

Ok, so I've been working on something for a while. This is the first time doing something like this so I'm not sure if this will work, but hey, worth a shot, I guess.

So, what I've been working on is a creature that can trick others. It can change into anybody it wants and it would be very hard to tell the difference between it and the original thing its copying. Think of a changeling from My Little Pony.

Delusion is what I've planned on naming it. I looked in the test tube for it, and I think it's complete. With using it against Team Umizoomi, it would be risky so I really don't know if I will ever use it for that, but if I ever need it for Troublemaking, or if there's anything bad that's happened our way, it could come in handy.

Then Delusion opened its eyes. I smiled. It looked so confused.

"Where am I? Let me out!"

I let my creation out and gave it some clothing to wear. It had pink hair, and six eyes. It had yellow wings like me, but they were a brighter yellow. I created Delusion to be genderless, honestly, for any creation I do, that's going to be living anyways, they'll most likely all be genderless. Gender doesn't play a role in any of these creatures I make.

Delusion got all dressed.

"Who are you?" It asked.

"I'm your creator." I said.



I explained everything to it. Making sure it knew why it was here and making sure it felt safe here. I knew it would be scared and confused on why it was here, but after explaining everything to it, it felt better.

Time skip

So, it was a long day of testing their powers and seeing how much of the experiments actually worked, and it went really well, Delusion is definitely going to be of use to our team.

I was able to get a room all set up for my creation, thanks to Little and Big Trouble.

I let it rest, since it must be very tired. Well, its settled, Delusion will be an official member of our team.

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