Chapter Forty-Seven: Taken down

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Oliver's POV:

We had to meet up with Team Umizoomi to figure out what to do with the cyclops. We had a few ideas, but they were shut down. We continued to come up with ideas until Emin got an idea.

He wanted to strip their powers and have them die. How exactly? God.

"Well then, that's terrifying."

"Oh please, it'll be the only way, all your ideas are garbage and also this cyclops way more of a threat than you are anyways. Why do you think we haven't pulled anything yet? You guys are annoying villains, don't get me wrong, but this is a final resort plan."

"Hm, fair enough."


We traveled back to Umicity where the cyclops was. Emin alerted God of what was going on and he agreed to get rid of this phsycopath.


"Hey! I told you dumb Umizoomi's and Troublemakers to leave! Neither team is welcome here anymore!"

"Sorry bud, but this is our home!" I said.

"Oh please, you can't stop me!"

"We can't." Emin said. "But he can!"

The God showed up right on cue.

"What the hell!?"

"I'm sorry Charlie, but you've caused horrible damage to Umicity. I'll have no choice but to take you're powers and have you locked away."

"Is it too late to say sorry?"

"Yup!" Bot said.


Charlie's powers were taken away. Me and Emin picked Charlie up as she collapsed onto the ground.
"Alright, let's get this piece of garbage to jail."
"Can't believe you're actually helping us." Geo said.
"Hey, in our defense, us Troublemakers were being kicked out of our home too!" Little Trouble said.

"Maybe... is there a possible chance..." Milli started.
"No!" I yelled.

I know fully well she was gonna ask if we would join Team Umizoomi. Absolutely not!

We got Charlie to the jail and made sure they couldn't escape, even then he doesn't have his powers anymore.

"Thanks for the help, god!" Emin said.
"Anytime, Emin Williams."

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