Tenko x reader

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A/N, Feel free to request anything, I'm open to ideas. I'm trying to fill the void of tenko content on wattpad so there may be more of her to come.

This is how I imagine your first encounter with Tenko to be in the V3 killing game. (Tenko x fem! Reader)

Cool metal leeched to your clammy arms as you gradually gained consciousness. The dazed feeling of sleep began to wear off as you became hyper-aware of where you were. Dark metal closed in on you, compacting your body, causing your muscles to throb with pain. 3 slots in front of you allowed thin streams of light to pass through so you could observe yourself and the shaded walls but they wouldn't allow you to peer out.

Your adrenaline finally kicked in and you began to scream, disregarding any danger it might put you in, "Help! Help me, please, someone help! Is anyone there? Anyone at all? Please, I'm stuck in here, help me! I'm trapped!"

You continued to shout senseless cries for help until you heard shuffling outside, "Hello, is anyone there, please, I'm stuck?"

"Are you okay?" A loud voice echoed outside.

"Ah someone is there! Yes I'm fine, I'm just stuck but it's really uncomfortable and it's getting hot in here." You tilt your head back against the metal in relief.

"Uhh, okay I'm gonna get you out of there, hold on." It was a girl's voice.

Suddenly the shaking of metal rang out and echoed everywhere creating a cacophony of  rattling. You heard something small drop to the floor with a dull thud and the metal plate in front of you swung open.

Slightly disheveled and breathing heavily was a girl of the same age stood before  you. Her hair - was it green or brown - braided intricately into two partings, fell behind her and helped shape her figure. Her emerald eyes were storm clouds, dark and glazed, though that was hard to make out due to the dim lighting of the room.

"Hello." You breathed.

"Hi! Need some help getting out of there?" The girl didn't wait for a response, she detained your hands with and iron grip and jerked you out of the metal box that encaged you, "is that better, are you alright now?"

Your muscles almost dropped limp as numbness spread across your body with your blood no longer cut off from most of it. You dropped to your knees anyway.

"Woah, you are okay, right?" The girl sounded panicked, "Do you need me to get you anything, anything at all?"

You finally caught your breath and the pain had subsided, "Thank you, thank you so much for getting me out of there, honestly you're my hero." You gazed up at your savior with an innocent smile to ensure you were unharmed, you swore you saw flashes of pink spread across her cheeks.

"Ah, there's no need to thank me, just be grateful that it was me who got you outta there and not some degenerate male." The girl put her hands on her hips to prove how serious she was but you weren't listening as you were using a table conveniently placed next to you to propel yourself up, this caused all the blood to rush from your head and a high frequency screech bounced around your skull.

You noticed the room you were in with a sense of déjà vu. It was a classroom, not unlike any you had sat in at school. There were individual desks with paired chairs ordered in neat rows, dark grey similar to the rest of the room. Blue lockers lined the  left wall, one of which was wide open and had its handle ripped off, so that's how she got it open.

A podium stood in front of the desks with some sort of board behind it that didn't seem to work as all it played was static. Windows held on the right wall were grimy and had lost their transparency, barbed wire clung in multiple strips over each one. The whole room was covered in vines, moss and all sorts of greenery, it felt as though no one had tended to it in years.

At the back of the classroom stood a brown door which hung open, beyond it you could just make out a hallway in the same derelict state as the classroom.

"Where are we?" You blurted out, everything inescapably sinking in now, "What's going on?"

"Hey, hey I know just as much as you, I woke up here lying on the floor when I heard you screaming." The girl sounded optimistic but there was fear behind her eyes, "What's your name?"

"My name?" Abruptly everything came rushing back. How could you have forgotten your name? Your friends, family, childhood, school life, interests and ultimate talent were all remembered. Tension began brewing in your temple, "My name is Y/N L/N, I'm the ultimate child caregiver, what about you?"

Memories resurfacing rehashed your anxiety and you awkwardly rubbed your neck as you spoke.

"So you're an ultimate too? I'm Tenko Chabashira, the ultimate aikido master!" Tenko shifted into a fighting stance, her arms almost jabbing into your stomach, to justify her introduction, "Before you commenced your screaming, I heard shuffling and murmurs from outside, there might be other people out there, we've got to go explore!"

"Are you sure, we don't know what's out there?" You spoke quietly.

"It's no good staying in this classroom we've gotta go lo-

"Rise and shine ursine!"

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