THH characters get exposed

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A/N idk why i didn't start with this one

Monokuma exposes the class' dreams when they fall asleep in class. This is a no killing game au.


The day had finally come; Kyoko was going to meet my family. She was nervous so was I but I couldn't let her see that.

When we arrived at home the door instantly flew open before either of us even touched it.

"Welcome to our home, Kyoko," My parents sang out in unison engulfing her in a huge hug, Komaru running behind them and joining in, "we're so happy to have you here!"

"I'm so happy to be here," Kyoko exclaimed, leaning into the hug with a sweet smile on her face.

My parents stepped away and looked at us both, "Aww, aren't you to just the cutest thing?"

"Mom stop being embarrassing." I whined but it was half-assed.

Mom chuckled and ruffled both our hairs, "Come on future daughter-in-law let's go plan your wedding."

Kyoko grinned and followed her, "Of course, that sounds fun."

I beamed at the sight of them all getting along.

"What the heck was that?" Makoto's face went pale as he watched the video play on screen, the video which depicted the dream he just had.

"Surprise!" Monokuma yelled, "this is the next motive."

"Motive? What does that mean?" Leon sounded worried.

"The motive to keep you awake in class!" Monokuma's eye glowed red, "I'm so sick of you guys disrespecting me and falling asleep in my classes so I've prepared a counter measure."

Hiro yawned then shook himself awake, "Monokuma, sir, isn't that a bit cruel?"

"No, it's essential. Let's all give our brave volunteer a pat on the back for going first."

No one moved or said anything.

"Oh come on, no one has anything to say about his dream at all? But it was totally embarrassing."

"Is that really how you see me or is that how you want me to be?" Kyoko stared at Makoto who vigorously shook his head. "No not at all, I have no idea why I had that dream, there just dreams y'know."

"Ooh are we gonna get to witness a lovers' quarrel?" No one payed Monokuma any mind.

"Okay." Kyoko was satisfied with this answer, being the most rational person in the class she understood that dreams probably didn't mean all that much, but that much couldn't be said about the rest of the class.


"Global news, alumni of hope's peak academy, the ultimate moral compass Kiyotaka Ishimaru has enforced a ban on all conversion therapy in every single country, the next step after legalising gay marriage worldwide."

"This is a picture of mr Ishimaru last month at his wedding to Mondo Owada the ultimate biker gang leader, truly a pivotal moment in history for the lgbtqia+ community." A picture was displayed on the screen of me and Mondo at our wedding.

"We have Kiyotaka here today for an insight, here he is." I entered the news room and sat on my designated chair, smiling and waving at the applause in the crowd, the response was much better than a few years ago when I was called slurs by the audience members who had to be escorted out by security.

The interview went well and I explained the trials I had to endure being a gay man in Japan and what I had to do to make my agenda global. I had to dodge a couple personal questions but I did drop some tidbits about mine and Mondo's life together.

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