Komahina fluff

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A/N why does every time something happens to me I wanna put it into a komahina one shot

Nagito and Hajime are both scared of spiders

Nagito looked at Hajime.

Hajime looked at Nagito.

They were both standing on the kitchen counter at opposite ends of the room. Both refused to get down.

"You get it!"

"No, you get it!"

Neither of them were going to get it.

Hajime sighed, "Why didn't we decide who was going to get rid of the spiders before we moved in together?"

Nagito didn't waste any chances, "Well I'm deciding now, Hajime you can get rid of the spiders. Kill that despair-inducing beast."

"What? No! I'm not doing it, you can do it. Besides we need to talk it out first."

"We did and now the conversation is over so I will say it again, kill that despair-inducing beast, Hajime."

"You're the ultimate luck! Surely nothing bad could happen to you if you get it."

"My talent is worthless, useless in such a despair-inducing situation as this."

"Nagito, stop saying despair-inducing. What if you like used your powers of luck to make the spider crawl out the window like you want."

"Hajime, that's not how luck works - oh my god it's working!"

"If it's working then why is it coming towards me??"

"Because I might have secretly hoped it crawled on you to get you back for not getting rid of it yourself."


"Sorry, I can't help it, the mind wants what the mind wants."

"That's the same thing you said when you confessed your feelings to me!"

"Is this not a really similar situation - oh hey look it stopped."

"So it wasn't even doing what you wanted after all? It was just moving on its own.

"Like I said I have such a worthless talent only befitting of-

"Oh no it's moving further inside the house, what will we do if we lose it?"

"I don't know, Hajime think, what did you do with spiders when you lived on your own?"

"I umm, well first what did you do with them?"

"I basically did the exact same thing I'm doing right now. Except I was on my own. So no one was there to get rid of it. And sometimes I would stand on a chair for days waiting until I saw it go out the window."

"Nagito... that is so pathetic - same."

"What if we just y'know, stood on it?"

"Nagito! That is a living creature, everything deserved to live, we can't just chose to kill it, what sort of people would that make us?"

"Hajime, Hajime, you're looking at the situation all wrong, you see that is a creature of great despair, and despair only breeds more despair. We would be doing a great service to the world ridding it of that beast. It would only cause pain and suffering in its wake and we could prevent that, just think Hajime, we'll be heroes. I can already hear them shouting our names: 'Nagito & Hajime! Nagito & Hajime! We love you Nagito & Hajime!'"

"You mean Hajime & Nagito."

"Tomato tomato."

"And stop being so dramatic, it won't cause 'pain and suffering'"

"It's causing us pain and suffering."

"True... but still it isn't actually dangerous."

"Then why don't you get down and put it outside if you think it's so harmless?"

"Umm, yeah okay I get your point. Fine, you can kill it."

"Me? Oh no no, I was never going to kill. No, you can be the one to kill it."

"Me? Why? It was your idea."

"Because I am a worthless human being who isn't capable of defeating such a despair-inducing monster."

"Okay I get it! Would you stop using that as an excuse to get out of everything?"



"What's wrong Hajime, why aren't you killing it?"

"Umm, how about we just give up and accept our new life living on the countertop?"

"That is a brilliant idea, what an astonishing mind you have, Hajime."

"I'll get the hot chocolate."

"And I'll get the milk."

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