Komahina fluff

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A/N i don't know if i've missed something but i haven't been able to find a single komahina dating coach fic so i did it myself

Hajime is inexperienced when it comes to relationship stuff, so when his least favourite person in the class offers to teach him he must keep it a secret

Hajime knew he shouldn't have come to the school dance. It was for couples really. Couples who were shoving it in his face that he had been single for seventeen years too long.

Most couples were dancing but there were a some making out it corners. Not to mention when he tried to go to the bathroom and heard a couple doing it in the janitor's closet. How did they just know how to do that?

Maybe they'd spent loads of time practicing at home just so they could do it in a closet. Maybe that was what Hajime needed, practice. Not just for the kissing stuff but dating in general.

He was sat on the edge of the dance floor texting Kazuichi who was dancing with a girl he'd managed to convince he wasn't creepy, but he knew he'd look at his phone for his best bro.


Dude being single sucks ass
I need help.
Can you set me up with someone
I need someone to practice on


I knew you'd come around eventually
How's tomorrow 8pm


Already? Wait how many people do you know?


More than you think
But I'm not that brilliant I could just set you up with the girl I'm dancing with real easy


Do you not like her or something?


No she's great but she's no miss sonia


Dude let. her. go.
I'm pretty sure she's the one I heard in the janitor's closet anyway so you've no chance


Wait what!


You better not try anything.

But Hajime had already seen his best friend run off the dance floor and out of the gym. Why was he even friends with him? He never listens.

What Hajime didn't see was the figure looming over him until said figure cleared their throat. Hajime looked beside him and instantly regretted it when he got an eyeful of crotch and quickly moved his gaze higher.

"It seems the reserve course student has a small problem." The ultimate luck was staring down at him, expression unreadable.

"What do you want, Nagito?"

"I'd like to make you an offer."


"You haven't even heard the offer yet!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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