KomaHina fluff

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A/N So this just happened to me and I feel victimised to I need to write about it.

Nagito stared at the blank ceiling as he did most nights, unable to fall asleep while dark thoughts circled his mind. Beside him lay a sleeping body, curled up in the covers that were rudely snatched from him. No, he didn't mind really, seeing Hajime in that state of pure relaxation, filled him with hope.

A strangled sort of noise emerged from his stomach. He was hungry. It wasn't a noise Nagito was unfamiliar to, his small stature was a dead giveaway that he didn't eat much. Most often, he would ignore the rumblings until the morning when Hajime would refuse to go to work until he ate something.

Tonight, however, was different. Nagito happened to know that Hajime had visited the local convenience store earlier that day and had bought his favourite brand of bagels and cream cheese - both of which were usually only sold at the supermarket over 2 hours away but the store started selling them last week, Nagito only knew this because he went there to buy Hajime some chocolate but when he saw the bagels, he quickly left otherwise he might've spent all their money on them.

Hajime was probably going to surprise him with them the next morning for breakfast, but Nagito was awake and hungry now, so he kissed his husband on the cheek and quietly headed to the kitchen.

As expected, the unopened bagels were behind the bread and the stale, cheaper-quality bagels - no need for those now, so Nagito threw the despair bagels away and smiled at the hope of a future filled with quality bagels.

Quality bagels always come pre-sliced, which made his life so much easier - especially since Hajime put a child-lock on the knives (even the butter ones) so Nagito couldn't get to them - so he put the bagel slices in the toaster and waited.

While he was waiting, Nagito went to the fridge to get the new, high quality cream cheese. He couldn't see it at first, but then spotted it behind a half-eaten can of peas. As he was reaching to move the peas, suddenly they flew out and spilled all over him. He gave out a yelp and just stared, stunned, at the mess.

"Nagito, what's all the noise about, why *yawn* why aren't you in bed?" Hajime trotted into the kitchen with the covers wrapped around him, half-asleep. "I, uh, couldn't sleep."

Hajime opened his eyes a bit more and processed the scene in front of him. Nagito still didn't know what to do so he just stood there. "Why have you got peas all over you? And why are you eating the bagels I bought for you?"

"I found them in the cupboard, if you didn't want me to open them, you should've hidden them better." as Nagito shrugged, peas fell off his shoulders, onto the floor.

"If you hid them as well as the cream cheese then I wouldn't be in this mess." Nagito caused Hajime sighed at the sight of him, "We're still eating those bagels for breakfast tomorrow, and you better pretend to be surprised when we do."

More peas fell as Nagito tilted his head, "Of course, what bagels? I definitely don't smell burning."  Hajime turned his head towards the toaster which was now producing an alarming amount of black smoke, "Nagito!" He dropped the covers from around him and ran to turn off the toaster at the plug socket.

With a sheepish smile, more peas fell from him as he turned to look at Hajime, "Sorry." They both gazed at each other for a minute, trying to hold back sleep-deprived laughter before Hajime sighed, "You're lucky I love you." And Nagito replied with, "Isn't that the point?" Which caused them both to face away and grin.

"Go take a shower, I'll sort everything out in here." Hajime got to work, trying - and failing - to remove the charcoal bagel from the toaster without burning his fingers. "Won't you join me?" Nagito didn't even earn a glance his way, he couldn't compete with the toaster.

"No, you're covered in peas." Hajime sounded like he expected the question from his husband. "Can't I even get a ki-

"No, you're covered - ow - in peas." Hajime looked at him this time, "Did you seriously just throw a pea at me?"

"Did you seriously just tell me you won't kiss me?" Nagito searched his hair for another pea to use as ammunition. Hajime raised his hands in defence, "I promise, I'll kiss you until you fall asleep, maybe it could actually get you to sleep."

Slowly, Nagito walked towards Hajime, until they were just a couple feet apart, then he released his power move and shook off all the peas from his body, most of them bounced off the surfaces but Nagito still said, "Who's covered in peas now?" Before kissing Hajime on the cheek and running off, but stopped as he reached the door, "Oh, and I'm holding you to that promise."

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