Sondam x The Phantom of The Opera

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A/N you have no idea how excited I am to write this one-shot, I love POTO so much and i think this fits pretty well. Also I may do multiple POTO x danganronpa one-shots, we'll see, idk if this is too niche or something.

So basically, Sonia is Christine, Gundham is Erik and this covers what happens during Angel of Music/The Phantom of the Opera/ The Music of the Night.

Sonia Nevermind gazed around the room in awe of all the beautiful flowers delivered to her new chambers to celebrate her speech as provisional Queen of France. She walked over to the back of the room, on the dresser next to a large mirror lay a single thornless rose, tied in black lace.

"Sonia, you were perfect, really!" Chiaki startled Sonia as she burst into the room, "I only wish I knew your secret, who is this great tutor?"

The girls sat down together on the comically large bed, "My father once spoke of an angel, I used to dream he'd appear, Chiaki," Sonia, not quite in the moment, gazed around the room in an almost dazed trance, "I can sense him in this room, calling me. Somehow, I know he's always with me. He, the unseen genius."

"Sonia, was this a dream? I can't understand you, this isn't like you." Chiaki grabbed her friend's hands as Sonia continued searching the room. "Noble Angel, guide and guardian, grant me your glory," Sonia whispered to herself.

"Who is this angel?" Chiaki placed a hand on the princess's face and drew her gaze towards her but she stared into the distance and kept whispering, "Noble Angel, hide no longer."

"He's with me even now."

"Your hands are cold."

"All around me."

"Your face, Sonia, it's white."

"It frightens me."

"Don't be frightened."

There was a knock a the door. "I'll get that." Chiaki got up and opened the door. "Good evening Lady Chiaki, is Princess Sonia okay? I'm not interrupting anything am I?" The Vicomte de Souda stood at the door, or as Sonia knew him, Kazuichi.

"Not at all, Vicomte, I was just leaving, please don't mind me," Chiaki curtseyed and fled the room leaving the childhood friends alone.

Sonia rushed over to the man and curtseyed as he kissed her hand. "Little Lotte once asked, 'am I fonder of dolls or goblins or shoes or riddles or frocks or chocolates?'"

"And I remember father completing his royal duties while we read to each other in the dark." Sonia felt all the memories come flooding back, of happier times, of her father, while Kazuichi seemed more interested in the Princess in front of him, "but Lotte said what she loved best was when she was asleep in her bed and the noble angel spoke in her head, and you did seem like an angel tonight, Sonia."

In hopes of providing her with some stability Sonia latched onto the arm Kazuichi was offering, "Oh, Kazuichi, my father spoke of a noble angel who he'd send when he died, and he's dead so I must've been visited by him." As if it was obvious, Kazuichi said, "Of course you have, now let's go out to supper together."

He turned away about to leave before Sonia pulled him back, "No Kazuichi, the noble angel is very strict." But he just winked, "Well, I'm not gonna keep you up late." And just like that he was gone.

"Kazuichi, no!" Sonia protested but he was too far away to hear her. How could he not listen to her? How could he not understand how much her angel's view of her meant?

"Insolent boy!"

A deep voice boomed around the room and Sonia swore she could feel it reverberate in her soul.

"Ignorant fool!"

Sonia walked towards the centre of the room. The voice was coming from all around. Behind her the door shut by itself. "Angel, I hear you. Enter at last." Sonia had to hold back her pleas to prevent her from sounding pathetic.

"Flattering lady, you shall know me. Look at your face in the mirror."

She did as her angel asked of her and looked in the mirror, "Noble angel, hide no longer. Come to me," nothing was out of the ordinary at first.

"I am your noble angel: come to me noble angel."

As the words rang out a face slowly appeared in the mirror behind her, though when Sonia looked behind there was no one there. He was inside the mirror.

Pushing on the glass, it slid away and the princess was met face to face with the man she knew to be her angel, cloaked in nearly all black besides a purple scarf wrapped around his neck but most noticeably, a white mask, covering the left side of his face, shrouding him in even more mystery.

The masked angel reached out a half-bandaged hand to Sonia and she took it without a second thought: this was her angel and she felt like she'd known him all her life, so safe like she would follow him anywhere.

How softly he pulled her hand, it made her wonder if this was even real and not just a dream so she glanced behind her to see the mirror had closed up on its own. Maybe she was dreaming after all.

As they graced through the walls of the palace, candles lit up, always a few steps ahead. Sonia's angel kept gazing back at her, maybe he thought this was all a dream too.

Goosebumps ran down Sonia's spine, though she didn't feel cold at all, even with bare shoulders deep underground; her angel, finally before her, filled her with a sense of internal warmth she had never experienced before. All she wanted was to reach out and tear his mask off, and then this would be perfect, she could die right there because she would never be happier.

They reached a clearing in the tunnels and were met with a black horse, waiting patiently for them. The noble angel guided her towards it and indicated for her to climb on, which she did with slight difficulty in her long dress, so he helped push her up. Then he guided the horse down a hill to small docking area for a gondola.

After boarding the gondola, Sonia's angel paddled them along an underground lake, him standing and her sitting down. With him behind her, this was the first moment she got to catch her breath.

All this time they'd been moving in silence but it didn't feel like silence. It felt like their hearts were communicating, speaking in a foreign tongue she never understood until now. And she was filled with adrenaline, also getting the sense that he was too.

Upon reaching the other side of the lake, Sonia was greeted with a stunning cave lit up with thousands of candles, an organ sat in the corner near a couch draped in blankets and another room was out of sight. They stopped at another dock and the angel got off, making no move to help her out.

"Welcome to my world my dark lady, where nighttime rules over day. Where each sensation is always heightened and darkness stirs, waking imagination." The noble angel began to walk away from Sonia but kept they held eye contact the whole time, "Slowly pandemonium will unfurl its splendour for you to grasp, can't you sense it?"

His voice was like melted chocolate and the slight echo in the cave complimented it perfectly, "You won't need the day anymore, you don't need the cold light, night time is for aristocracy, can't you feel the nobility of the night."

Her angel returned to her and helped her out of the gondola, pulling her into his grasp as he spoke into her ear, "Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams, let your spirit start to soar in the fiery depths of pandemonium." Sonia could swear her whole skin was alight as he traced his fingers down her shoulder blade and along the small of her back.

"Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind. You cannot fight this darkness, only once you listen can you truly belong to this warmth which encompasses us both, my dark lady," he led her across the stretch of the cave, "Let me show you the true face of darkness, my four! Dark! Devas! Of destruction!"

Sonia didn't know what to expect as her angel ripped the sheet off the object in front of them, but she was certainly surprised to see four such adorable creatures living in a miniature model of the cave. The surprise combined with the exhaustive daily events, rendered Sonia unconscious and she fell into the arms of her angel who quickly caught her and lifted her up in his arms, carrying her away.

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