Tenko x reader pt2

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A/N I really should be studying rn but I keep writing to put it off

Himiko is murdered in place of Tenko and we are replacing Maki but we're actually the ultimate child caregiver.

The second body discovery announcement played. You ran with the crowd as they made their way to the séance. You gripped your sides as you braced yourself for the sight to come.

You walked through the doors.

"H-Himiko! S-seriously?" Kaito yelped.

"Wh-what is this? How did this happen?" Tsumugi sobbed.

"H-Himiko...! Gonta so sorry... Gonta no could protect you!" Gonta whimpered.

You crept further into the room to assess the situation. Himiko lay still in the center of the room, blood dripping from unknown origin. Tenko kneeled by her side screeching, tears streaming down her face, cheeks red raw. Her hands gripped at her own hair as she rocked herself back and forth.

Shuffling over to Schuichi, the only person at the séance you trusted besides Tenko, you whispered to him, "Schuichi can you please explain the situation? I thought you were conducting the séance."

"I-I don't know... what's happening." Schuichi stuttered.

Considering Shuichi's current uselessness, you tread lightly to Tenko, kneeling beside her and rubbing her back, "It's okay, everything will be alright." You whispered, it was all you had to offer. Tenko gave no response.

"Rise and shine ursine!"

The atmosphere in the room became even tenser. Multiple students clenched their jaws and some gripped their arms.

"I'm surprised, too! I never thought a murder would happen during an investigation! U-um, I guess for now... you should maybe start the investigation right away?!" Monotaro spluttered.

You payed no attention to the bears, all your energy was focused on soothing Tenko.

It was silent for a minute before Kiyo spoke up, "Before that, I would like to confirm something... The culprit who killed Angie may be a different culprit from the one who killed Himiko, yes? What happens in the event there are two murders by two people? What if there are two blackened? Will we need to find them both at the class trial?"

Everyone's face morphed into confusion but it took some time to get an answer as the monokubs babbled through pointless banter and everyone became visually annoyed until Monokuma presented himself and the tension rose again.

"The blackened who killed the first victim to be discovered will be your target, if the blackened who killed Angie, isn't the same one who killed Himiko, then only Angie's killer will be considered the blackened. Basically, Himiko's killer wasted a kill, and Himiko herself is a waste of a victim." Monokuma's high-pitched chords dissipated around the room.

Finally Tenko produced a response, "What did you just say about Himiko?" She stood up and clenched her fists, everyone stared at her, "Himiko was not a waste, don't you dare call her that!"

"Aww, are you sad your little crush died, well it's still true, she was a waste of a victim and she was a waste of a person, too. C'mon, she was so lazy when she was alive, and ultimate magician? How will that ever help in a killing game? Good riddance I sa-

Tenko lunged at Monokuma but he jumped behind her. She spun around with her leg in the air trying to kick the monochrome bear but he jumped away again.

"Tenko, stop!" You and Schuichi cried in unison.

"We don't have time for this, we've gotta get on with the investigation." Kaito protested.

"Tenko, hurting Monokuma will only get yourself in trouble, we have to avenge Himiko but the only way to do that is to figure out who the blackened is, you understand that right?" Shuichi cautiously stepped closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, she just stared at him.

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