Harukaito x Baseball bat

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A/N This is a crossover ship of Maki & Kaito and Aubrey & Kel from Omori where Maki and Kaito are basically themselves living Aubrey and Kel's lives because I think they have really similar dynamics.

Just a fluff-shot of Maki hanging round at Kaito's house and his older brother and friends keep interrupting them.

"Come on Maki-roll, you know you love me." Kaito dragged his girlfriend closer to him and ruffled her hair.

She pushed him off of her abruptly and played with one of her pigtails, a light blush spreading over her face, "I do not know that. I have never said that."

Kaito never understood why when someone else was in the room, Maki acted like they weren't even dating. When they were alone she was all over him like the total hottie he was - at least that's what he told himself.

Ever since Hero had come back to Faraway town for the summer, he barely had a chance to spend some quality alone time with her.

Hero spun around on his desk chair, "Maki, if he's forcing you to date him, blink twice." He put down his pen and closed the notepad he was writing in, "You know when you first started dating I didn't believe it at all - you two have hated each other your entire lives - but it all makes sense now, Kaito is paying you to date him."

The younger brother spluttered a protest but nothing coherent emerged. "I mean come on who would ever date this kid."

"Yeah, he's a real chump." Maki smiled shyly, as she bowed her head to hide her face.

Kaito was absolutely flabbergasted, "Maki-roll you're supposed to back me up, you were the one who asked me out." He pointed this out but it only earned him a glare, hidden from his brother.

"Did I really, or are you saying that to maintain this facade you're paying me for?" She stared straight at him then quickly smiled that tiny, cute smile that Kaito adored.

His brother moved towards the door putting his hands up in surrender, "Okay little brother, I'm sorry for doubting your totally real relationship, I get you need space, I was seventeen too once you know. I'm meeting up with Mari now, we've got a cooking class together, later mom wants me to run some errands and then I'll go for an evening jog, so the room's yours for the rest of the day."

And as he was closing the door he added with a wink, "You kids make sure your being safe."

"Ew" Maki and Kaito yelled at him in unison. Then they turned red and slowly looked at each other. Kaito raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"You better hold your tongue." She said while burrowing her face into his chest and wrapping her arms around his torso.

Kaito face-planted into her hair and breathed deeply, "Well what do you wanna do today? You already said you didn't want to go out." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and closed his eyes. If he died right then and there, he'd probably die the happiest guy alive.

Maki turned her head to the side, "Can't we just... stay like this?" Evidently she felt the same way he did. "I have plans with the gang for the rest of the week, so we won't see each other again until afterwards."

"You're ditching me for the hooligans?" Then Kaito put on a fake british accent, "You do know, they are such a bad influence on you."

Kaito chuckled, Maki didn't.

"Nah, everyone knows it's you who's a bad influence on them... Hey, how do I know you're not a bad influence on me, maybe you've been directing that 'bad girl' aura towards me." Kaito suddenly gasped, which made Maki jump, "I don't want to be a 'bad girl', please Maki-roll please don't turn me into a 'bad girl'"

"You are just hilarious, Kaito."

"You know you love it."


But before she could even begin her sentence someone barged into the room and she was off him like scared cat.

"What is up Kaito, my man?" A tall teenage boy wearing a basketball tank, walked in.

Suddenly Kaito had that huge welcoming grin on his face, "Hey how's it going? What brings you to my crib?" He got up and bro-hugged the boy patting him on the back like a million times.

His friend failed to read the room, and Kaito's open arms didn't help, so he sat on the end of the bed and made himself at home.

Maki stared at the two of them engaging in friendly banter, she was giving them two minutes before kicking him out, which was a record for her because she'd usually send people away in less than a second - Kaito had been trying to teach her to be kinder to people.

"Don't you have somewhere better to be?" She interluded with no remorse, after listening to them talk about some party on at the weekend with a bunch if people she hated, "Can't you see Kaito doesn't want you here right now?"

They both immediately turned their heads to look at her.

The friend scratched his head, "Oh, I'm sorry was I interrupting something?"


"No, you weren't, she didn't mean that, man, don't listen to anything she says." Kaito gave Maki a quick glare.

"No, don't sweat it, I'm sorry for ruining your hangout sesh, it's just your mom said it was okay to come in," He got up and started to walk away, Kaito walked with him, "Spend some time with your girl, there's way more time for us to hangout, it's freaking summer vacation."

Kaito sighed and patted him on the shoulder again, "Yeah, yeah. Thanks a lot, man but thanks for stopping by anyway, it means a lot."

"No problem-o. See you, it's been real."

He was waved off and the door was promptly closed.

Facing back towards Maki, Kaito glanced at her raised eyebrows, "What?"

She gestured to the room they were in, "This is your 'crib'?"

"It's bro-talk, you wouldn't understand."

"I understand why I'm more intelligent than you. But still it seems extreme."

They assumed the positions they were in before being interrupted.

"You've gotta start being kinder to people, Maki-roll,"

"That was me being kind."

"If that was you being kind, then you need to act like a saint."

He stroked her hair and pulled her closer,"Why don't you stay here all week?" his voice was barely above a whisper.

Maki snorted, "Stay here? Yeah right."

"What's wrong with that idea? Then we wouldn't have to wait a week to see each other and besides, you're always saying you love being here more than your own house - and you love my mom's cooking."

"I am not sleeping in a bed with you while Hero is in the room, so you can keep your 'crib' to yourself."

"Share a bed? Wow, your legs must hurt from jumping to conclusions, I never said anything about sharing a bed."

"Well then what are you suggesting?"

"I think we should-

"Kaito, get down here quick," His mom shouted from the kitchen, "It's Basil and Sunny, they're in the hospital!"

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