Fuyupeko royalty au

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A/N if you like this one-shot or just royalty/fantasy AUs in general then go check out my other story Penumbra (yes this is a shameless plug)

Just a tale about a prince and his knight.

"Erm, Prince Fuyuhiko?" One of the king's wards repeated after he still wasn't listening. This was a more than common occurrence during the weekly court when he would much rather stare at the back of his lovely knight's head than listen to his father's advisors ramble on about politics and the economy.

His duty was to his kingdom - Fuyuhiko knew this - and when he was needed, he would fulfil his duty, but paying attention in court wasn't something he had to or wanted to do.

Still not paying attention, he nodded his head and casually blurted out, "yes, of course," but when Peko turned to look at him, pretty eyes turned shocked, then he finally took interest in the room.

"Really? You will assassinate the princess of the Koizumi kingdom, and avenge your sister, all on your own?"


He couldn't back down now. Not with the whole court watching, "Yes, I will... murder the princess Koizumi."

"It's not murder prince Fuyuhiko, it's assassination, but very well," The king's ward turned to face the room, "meeting adjourned."

Fuyuhiko wanted nothing more than to run straight out of there, but since he was the prince he must leave second to last. So impatiently, he waiter another ten minutes before the court had cleared.

Exiting the room, Peko right in front of him, he made sure no one was around and then they both bolted for the gardens, just as they did every week.

Peko was much faster than him of course, and while he made it to the garden while gasping for air, she had not even so much as broken a sweat. It didn't make Fuyuhiko feel any better that it was the middle of summer now so while he got to wear his cool linen shirts, she had to move around in heavy steel armour - how the hell she did it, Fuyuhiko would never know.

"I don't mean to question your judgement my prince, but why did you agree to assassinate princess Mahiru, you've always silently disapproved of your kingdom's violent methods?" Peko was filling a goblet she got from who-knows-where with water from the fountain.

Fuyuhiko gratefully accepted the goblet and downed it in one go, "I do disagree, I didn't know what I was saying, I wasn't paying attention, I never do. Anyway, do I have to keep telling you to stop calling me your prince, it's weird."

He was sure he saw a glimmer of a smile on her face as she said, "As long as you are prince of the Kuzuryu kingdom, you will always be my prince. And what was it you were distracted by, surely nothing could be more exciting than your kingdom's socio-economic climate?"

"I know, it's super interesting, barely anything can draw my attention from the court, but there is this one thing..."

They made their way over to the koi pond where they spent the rest of their mornings on days like these. Blurs of orange and white swam through the clear water as the pair approached, sitting on the grass and dipping their feet in.

"Please, do carry on" Peko removed the sword from her back and seemed to feel some relief after removing it - though that seemed like the least heavy object on her person.

The prince looked away and stared into the pond, "Well there's this girl you see, and funnily enough, every time I'm in court, she's always there too."

"That seems like an improbable coincidence, it must be fate."

"Yeah, it must be," Fuyuhiko grinned, "'cause every time I go to court I always find myself staring at her the whole time... I always wished she'd look back but, I don't think that would be proper."

"That may be so, but I believe that she's always thinking about you during those meetings." Peko leaned forward to force him to look at her.

"You really think so?"

"I know so, my prince."



"You really ruined the moment there, Peko, come on can you stop calling me your prince, it makes me sound like I'm better than you, it really creeps me out."

She sighed, "but you are better than me, I am only a humble knight who serves under you."

Fuyuhiko looked away again. "So naturally, someone who serves under you would never do this." Peko ran her hand through the water and splashed him, drenching him instantly from head to toe.


"Yes, is everything alright? What's the matter my pri- agh!"

Not caring about keeping up appearances, the prince had gotten in the water up to his knees and splashed her with using both his hands, multiple times, yet he still didn't quite cover her as much as she covered him, and most of it ran down her armour anyway, but her hair was still soaked, as well as her glasses.

She reached out her hands and started blindly grabbing the air, "I can't see, Fuyuhiko."

Grabbing her hands, he pulled her in with him, "Oh so now you can call me by my name."

"I don't know what you mean, my prince."

He pushed her whole head under water and ran away. To be honest he thought she was probably just playing along because she was a fair bit stronger than he and had was very good at working in tight situations - due to her being a knight and all.

Peko jumped after him and grabbed onto his legs, which hurt like a bitch when her armour rammed into him, "Argh, Peko your armour fuckin' hurts."

"Oh, I'm sorry, would you prefer it if I didn't have my armour on, well I'll remember that next time you dunk me into the water, or even next time you need protecting."

He splashed her again.

She threw a fish at him.

They carried on like this for the rest of the morning.

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