Kaede/Tenko fluff

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A/N There is not, and will never be enough sapphic Kaede content in the world.

This is basically about their first kiss.

Kaede leaned against the door to Angie's Art lab where some of her classmates were, with varying degrees of success, trying to learn pottery. Tenko sat at the table, next to Himiko, with her tongue out slightly, eyes squinted at her pottery attempt as though there was something she didn't understand.

And the attempt was clearly there but compared to Angie's example and everyone else's half-decent tries, Kaede had to hold back a grin at her girlfriend's indistinguishable lump of clay, which was more than she could say for Angie who wasn't even trying to hide the frustration in her face.

Before Angie could reprimand, Tenko, Kaede stepped in, "Hey guys, sorry to interrupt - you're all doing really well, just to let you know - would it be possible for me to steal Tenko away from you, I won't keep her too long... okay maybe an hour but you'll be fine without her right?" Kaede placed one hand on the table and the other on Tenko's shoulder.

"But we're learning how to make clay figures, Kaede, and Tenko's doing so well, why would you wanna ruin that?" Kokichi batted his oh-so-innocent eyes at her. Tenko gazed up at the girl holding her, "What is it that you need?"

Kaede gave Kokichi the side-eye and picked up Tenko's resting hand in hers, "I just want to talk to you, but first, you need to get cleaned up." She examined the brown blotches on the girl's hand and face. "It is fine Kaede, you can borrow Tenko for as long as you need," Angie clasped her hands together and smiled in a way that looked very forced, "please, take as long as you like."

Tenko almost whispered an 'okay' and was whisked away, out of the Art lab. Kaede, now holding both hands in hers, was pulling Tenko along backwards, not really caring to watch her step because why watch anything when you've got the cutest girl in the world in your hands.

They ran along the corridor, giggling a little, Kaede out of infectious excitement and Tenko out of  slight confusion. Once they'd reached the toilets, Kaede pushed her back against to door to open it, not once tearing her eyes away from the girl in front of her.

While Tenko was washing off the dry clay, Kaede sat on the sink ledge and watched her. "What's wrong?" Tenko stopped what she was doing to question the staring. Kaede just beamed at her cryptically, "Nothing at all." Which made Tenko giggle, "Okay," before returning to her washing.

After drying her hands facing away from her, Tenko sighed and turned quickly, back to Kaede, "Kaede, could you close your eyes?"  Kaede leaned her head to the side and Tenko mirrored her, "Why?"

"You'll see in a minute." For some reason Tenko seemed anxious all of a sudden so to ease her nerves, ignoring her curiosity, Kaede obliged. She heard Tenko step closer and felt her place a hand on the sink beside her.

Then she felt a kiss on her cheek.

Kaede's eyes shot open and a look of shock mixed with joy filled her features. Tenko, who had now stepped away, was blushing profusely and shaking her head.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think you'd hate it." Tenko was staring at the floor. Kaede got over her amazement and ran over to her girlfriend, grabbing both her hands, "Oh Tenko, I didn't hate it at all, I'm just so happy that I didn't know what to do."

"So it was really okay?"

"More than okay." Kaede said, wrapping Tenko's arms around her waist, and her own around Tenko's neck, "And to think this was what I had been nervous about all day."

"You were knew I was going to kiss you on the cheek?"

"Well, no, but you know that piece I've been playing all the time?" Tenko nodded. "I'm playing it correctly but something about it feels off y'know? Like it doesn't feel correct but after playing with you around a few times, I noticed that it flows better, sounds more right. So I thought if I brought you to my lab and play with you were next to me then it would finally feel right, then after playing the piece perfectly I was going to kiss you."

Tenko was listening intently then tore her eyes away from her girlfriend, "Um, why don't we just do it now - uh I mean why don't we kiss now." This earned a stupid grin from Kaede, "You're being awfully forward today-

"It's okay, we don't have to-

Tenko was cut off as Kaede joined their lips together, only for a moment and when she pulled away her both their faces were ones of pure joy.

"I think I finally understand." Kaede was grinning again and reaching for Tenko's hands. "Understand what?"

Kaede dragged them out of the toilets and spoke as they walked, "The piece I've been playing, it's Ode to Joy by Beethoven. I've known it off by heart since I was six but like I said, it never quite felt right, but I think I just didn't understand it. To truly feel the music you have to have felt true joy which is something I only felt a few moments ago. Now I know I can play the piece perfectly, especially with you by my side."

Hand in hand, the girls headed for the Kaede's piano lab and just like she said she would, Kaede played the music perfectly.

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