Naegiri fluff

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A/N how have i not done a naegiri one-shot yet? I can't believe i forgot about them

Makoto introduces Kyoko to his sister which she is super worried about

"Makoto... are you sure this is a good idea?"

Kyoko Kirigiri stood in front of the Naegi household fiddling with her gloved. Beside her stood her boyfriend who was set on introducing her to his younger sister today but Kyoko wasn't sure if this was the right time. Kyoko wasn't sure if there would ever be a right time.

Makoto noticed her fiddling and took her gloved hand in his, "Kyoko, there's nothing to worry about, Komaru is really nice and she's so excited to meet you."

"That's exactly what I'm worried about," she used her free hand to fiddle with her braid instead, "I don't do well with nice, and if she's looking forward to this meeting then I'm just gonna let her down, I know what people think of me."

"That you're insanely cool and ridiculously intelligent?" He smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

Her boyfriend was adorable and usually his kisses could get her to calm down, but today was different. Today their whole relationship was on the line - if this meeting didn't go well then what if Makoto's family pressured him to break up with her, or at the very least, made it really awkward to be around each other. Kyoko knew Makoto well, but she didn't know his family and didn't expect them to welcome with open arms a girl who never smiles.

"No, that I'm rude and cruel and too secretive." Kyoko felt Makoto squeeze her hand as she spoke. He looked over at her, "But I don't think you're any of those things and my whole family is just like me."

The ultimate detective sighed and stared back at him, "Originally you did. It's only natural, everyone does."

Makoto dragged his thumb back and forth over hers and used his other hand to cup her face, "Look, if you really don't feel like facing Komaru today then I won't force you to - we can go get ice cream - but it's not just Komaru; I'm really excited for you two to meet." He ran his thumb across her cheekbone, "and I did kinda... warn them that you may come across as... cold but that you aren't like that at all and in reality they just can't comprehend your intelligence."

Leaning into his hand, Kyoko reluctantly gave in - there was a limit to how much affection she could handle in one go and her's had clearly been reached.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Awesome! I'm proud of you, Kyoko." Makoto overzealously scrambled to get his keys out of his pocket but in doing so dropped them down the drain, "Uh-oh."

Simultaneously, they both peered down the dark hole and grimaced; there was a lot of waste down there.

Most often the problem solver of the couple, Kyoko had no solutions to this problem, "You wouldn't happen to have a magnet and some string in your pocket, would you?"

"The only thing in my pockets is air." Before Kyoko could suggest they were finished there for the day, Makoto said, "Let's just knock on the door, Komaru is home anyway." He knocked on his front door and waited. Kyoko made the effort to rejoin their hands, separated in the fall.

"Hey Makoto, why didn't you just use your keys?" Komaru opened the door still wearing her uniform though it had been hours since school ended for the day. Makoto nodded to the girl beside him, "Um, Komaru."

"Oh, yes! Hello Kyoko, it's so great to finally meet you. I'm Komaru as you already heard," she held her hand out and Kyoko tried to smile and shake her hand as politely as she could but Komaru added her other hand as well and shook with vigour which caught Kyoko off guard, "Makoto has told me so much about you, all good things, all good things, I promise."

Komaru walked further into the hallway to allow them some space to enter, "Trust me, if he ever said a bad word about you, or did anything to hurt you, he wouldn't hear the end of it, so don't worry about that." The girl skipped off into the living room.

Kyoko glanced at her boyfriend for reassurance and he gave her a nod and her hand another squeeze.

They stepped into the living room still holding hands which earned a squeal out of Komaru, "Oh you guys are just too cute," she gestured to the space beside her, "but you can't have her all to yourself Makoto, go make some tea and snacks while us girls chat."

"Do I even get a say in this?"

"No. Now go, I'm hungry."

He did as he was told and headed for the kitchen, leaving Kyoko - now sat down - alone and defenceless with his sister. She had no idea what to expect now, this was dangerous territory.

Crossing her legs, Komaru rested her hand under her chin, "So Kyoko, tell me, how does one become the 'ultimate detective'?"

"Huh?" This caught her off guard. Kyoko hadn't expected to be questioned on that part of her life, "Don't you wanna know if I'm treating Makoto properly? Or what makes me worthy of being his girlfriend?"

"What? No, that's lame. If you were a bad girlfriend I'm sure he wouldn't spend hours gushing over how great you are." Komaru leaned back, over the couch and reached for something from the small bookshelf, "No, I need to know how to solve the mystery of this book series, Twilight Syndrome Mystery novels, there's twelve in total and I'm on book 1."

The book was placed in Kyoko's hands and she stared up at Komaru expectantly, "You want me to solve the mystery in this book?"

"Well no, I want you to teach me to do it myself... but maybe you do the first one and I'll learn by watching you work." She gave her a nod to get started.

Kyoko turned the novel over and immediately solved the mystery to his book, after reading the blurb she said without a doubt, "The butler did it."

Wide-eyed and gobsmacked Komaru took the book from Kyoko's hands to get a look for herself, "How do you know that just from reading the blurb?" She inspected the whole book to make sure there wasn't anything she was missing.

"It's simple really, those types of books are always the same. They are not good mysteries at all. If they used actual forensics or human psychology then all signs would point to a suicide, but not only does the butler do it nine times out of ten in these types of novels, the blurb also goes out of its way to mention the butler three times and the clock on the front cover is pointing to three o'clock."

Seeing the ultimate detective at work was an event to be gawked at, Komaru wasn't even upset that she hadn't learned anything, she just wanted to see more, so without checking to see if Kyoko was correct, Komaru ran off to her room to retrieve the rest of the series.

While Komaru was gone, Makoto finished preparing the tea and snacks and joined Kyoko on the couch, "So, how's it going? Does she think you're rude yet?"

She considered this question then ignored it, replying with her own, "Why does your sister have such a bad taste in mystery novels?"

"I think she's just new to the genre, why?"

But those were the last words Makoto uttered to Kyoko for the next few hours as Komaru came running back with the rest of the series and forced Kyoko to solve mystery after mystery, in awe of the skill of the ultimate detective.

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