Mahiru x Kazuichi fluff

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A/N I have no idea how weddings work so I think a lot of this is wrong actually

Mahiru and Kazuichi get married

Kazuichi Souda felt like the happiest man alive. Here he was, the groom at his own wedding, waiting at the altar for his soon-to-be wife to walk down the aisle.

He felt like his whole life hadn't mattered until this moment, that this was the reason he was alive. For years he'd been in love with Mahiru Koizumi and now they could finally be united as one.

As the traditional wedding music began to play - Mahiru's choice obviously, she wouldn't let him anywhere near any of the music he would've picked something like heavy metal or rap music - his best man, Fuyuhiko patted him on the back.

They were originally going to have a small wedding because when they had each other, everything felt so large, but Fuyuhiko being his best friend and Sonia being a good friend of Mahiru's, they wouldn't stand for a small wedding and demanded to pay for a grand wedding - well more like they forced them to have a grand wedding.

So here they were, inside a huge cathedral which Kazuichi didn't even want to know how much it cost to rent out, paid for in full by Sonia, therefore Mahiru felt obliged to make her the maid of honour, which felt a little awkward considering their history but that was water under the bridge.

Hiyoko appeared first, through the large doors, scattering flowers across the aisle and pews. Assigning Hiyoko to flower girl was mostly a jab at how small she used to be when they all first met at 17. Now she was almost as tall as Kazuichi himself, but thank god she stopped growing after that - he didn't know if he, or anyone, could handle Hiyoko if she was taller than them.

He shuddered to think about the how wrong this could've gone if Hiyoko was the maid of honour. She had previously suggested that the flowers contain swarms of insects to test the true loyalty of the guests and she even brought in a bouquet of roses containing dozens of roaches as an example. They kept finding the nasty little creatures for days.

Luckily, no one told her the reason for her being flower girl or she may have actually gone through with her plan.

Bridesmaids followed Hiyoko incredibly slowly which increased the anticipation and Kazuichi could feel his palms begin to sweat.

Then there she was, and all his nervousness dissipated.

Like a cloud and the air and even more beautiful than all the stars in the sky, Mahiru stepped into the cathedral, smiling the same way Kazuichi felt; like she was the happiest woman alive. He was grateful she was walking slowly, so he could get a good look at her before the ceremony.

Her short red hair - now longer than it used to be - was wavy all over and the front part was pulled into a braid. There were silver crystals sparkling all over her hair, which matched the rhinestones in her flower bouquet made up of white tulips. She was wearing a simple dress; a strapless body with a skirt that just reached her feet, no fuss and feathers just a pure white satin dress. Just what she'd always wanted, and she looked perfect in it.

Mahiru had insisted on taking the walk by herself, ever since her dad died two years ago, she said there was no one else she wanted to walk her so she would do it alone. And that she did because no one argues with Mahiru once her mind is set on something.

Kazuichi felt a tear threaten to spill as he and Mahiru made un breaking eye contact while she trailed down the aisle. He wasn't thinking of anyone else, it was like no one else was even in the building.

After a few minutes, Mahiru finally got to the altar and they mouthed a 'hello' to each other while beaming.

Fuyuhiko, holding the wedding rings, passed them to the vicar who began to speak but Mahiru and Kazuichi weren't really listening. If there wasn't only one thing on his mind, Kazuichi might be thinking that this place was so big that half the guests couldn't hear what the vicar was saying, but his mind was on his soon-to-be wife.

While he was being ignored, the vicar asked the guests if there were any reason why these two should not be wed, Hiyoko nearly raised her hand, she really wanted to. After all these years she still hated Kazuichi's guts and thought Mahiru could do so much better, but she still loved Mahiru and didn't want her to cry today, besides, Mikan was going to the reception so she would get to bully her there.

The vicar asked them some question which was trained in their brains after Mahiru made them practice so many times, and they instinctively replied 'I will'. He then offered Kazuichi the ring and Mahiru held out her hands.

He placed the ring on her finger and held it there while announcing his vows, most of it came from the back of his mind after having it engrained in his memory but when he said 'With my body I honour you, all that I am I give to you' that came straight from the heart, especially when Mahiru looked like she was about to giggle, not being used to seeing Kazuichi be so serious for this long.

Then she placed a ring on his finger and recited her own vows. Again, Kazuichi had heard this all before but he could really feel the 'I pledge to honour you, love you, and cherish you as my husband today and everyday' as Mahiru's eyes began to well up, and he instinctively swiped under her eye with his thumb.

"You may now kiss the bride," the moment they had been anticipating, everything had been building up until now and Kazuichi wasted no time. He held his wife's face in his hands and captured her lips with his own, the comforting taste of Mahiru seeping through as she placed her hands on his shoulders.

They pulled back holding hands and gazed at the everyone applauding and cheering. It felt surreal. Then they looked back at each other, ready to spend the rest of their lives together.

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