Akane/Kazuichi fluff

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A/N is this classed as fluff? I wasn't sure what else to call it

Akane introduces Kazuichi to her siblings and he discovers her living situation

"Hey li'l ones, guess who's home!" Akane Owari called out through her small apartment, "I want you to meet somebody."

Her boyfriend had wanted to meet her younger siblings for the longest time and she wanted him to meet them too, but she didn't want him to worry about her and if he saw their living situation he might get real worried - not to mention he'd probably call social services.

While Akane was sure Kazuichi loved her and trusted her, this was something she just couldn't risk; her siblings would have more stability in foster care as there would always be food on the table, but they could never feel the love they did with her, she couldn't lose them and she couldn't let them lose her. No one would understand that so she couldn't trust anyone, not even the people she really loved.

Anyway, it was fine now because their situation was much more stable, now they had an apartment which they lived in together, it even came with a TV, and there was a super sweet old lady who lived next door and cooked a meal for them every night. Yup, Akane thought, I'm living the dream.

"It's uhh," Kazuichi gazed at the messy space around him, "homely." He offered trying to sound optimistic.

Akane grinned, "Thanks, we get by." Just as she said this, a young girl appeared before them trying to hide an obvious smirk, "Akane, you're back!"

"Hey, Midori, where's everyone else?" Akane crouched down to her level and patted her little sister on the head. The girl grabbed both their hands and dragged them with her, "We've got a surprise for you.."

Then she looked at Kazuichi dead in the eye, "Hi Kaz," she wiggled her eyebrows, "Akane's told me soooo much about you."

Kazuichi glanced nervously at his girlfriend and rubbed his neck with his spare hand, "Uhh, hey... Midori? It's nice to meet you, what sort of things has Akane tol-


They were already outside one of the shared bedrooms when Midori opened the door to six kids climbing on a bunk bed.

"Hey li'l ones, what's all this?" Midori let go of her hand and Akane stepped into the room, "where did this bed come from?"

"We got it mostly for you, Akane," one of the kids on the top bunk nearly screamed.

Another one on the bottom bunk yelled, "So you don't have to sleep with us on top of you anymore."

"We all took up odd jobs like doing the paper round or dog walking or washing cars," Midori chimed in, "the lady next door really helped out too,"

"And we saved up to buy this bed from the second-hand store." The smallest one was jumping up and down at rapid speed.

The ultimate gymnast stuck her thumb out, "Y'did so good guys, c'mere." Akane stuck her arms out and seven kids charged at her all at once, to be honest Kazuichi was a bit overwhelmed, but at the same time felt a bit left out from the hug.

"You too Kaz," Midori, on the edge of the group hug held her hand out and Kazuichi took it, swiftly being captured into the huddle.

When they all started to lean out of the hug, Akane tried to thank them again but her siblings were not interested. Instead they were interested in what Kazuichi had to offer.

"Hey, mr Souda, can you make sure we put the bed together properly, please?" The littlest one tugged at his sleeve, much calmer this time.

The ultimate mechanic laughed nervously, "Um, I'm the ultimate mechanic not the ultimate engineer so I don't know if I can..." but the little kid was looking up at him with such wonder and adorableness in his eyes that Kazuichi just couldn't say no, "Yeah sure, I'll make sure that bed is safer than a car inside a bouncy castle."

All of them stared at him with blank expression. None of them got it.

"Okay, well if you can just let me through, I'll check it out for ya." He raised his hands above his head, scared he would accidentally hit a child and made his way to the bed.

"So who's sleeping where?" Akane took no time getting down to business and it seemed her sibling already had everything figured out, "You can sleep on top because you're the biggest and you deserve the best bed and us three will sleep on the bottom." One of them explained.

"And we can have the rest of your futons, so now we have a futon each," Midori was already collecting them.

Akane seemed disappointed, "Aw man, you've already decided? I was hoping to see some competitive spirit." She pondered this for a moment, "I know, let's play hide and seek, you'll hide, we'll seek and the winner gets to eat the candy from Kaz's pocket."

"Yeah! Candy!"

"Hey, how did you know I had - ohhh, you can sme-

"I can smell it!" Akane watched as her siblings scrambled out of the room then turned to Kazuichi fiddling with the bolts on the frame of the bunk bed. "Alright we've gotta wait here for exactly five minutes, then we go find them."

"Five minutes? Isn't that a bit too long considering the, um, size of your apartment," Kazuichi was glad he kept his spanner in his pocket today, it actually came in handy tightening the few bolts which weren't tightened properly. "Nope! Ya gotta test their patience, otherwise they'll never get stronger."

Kazuichi wasn't sure how to approach this topic but he was kinda worried, "Um, Akane, do you and your siblings all share the same room?" Her expression didn't change, "what? No, four of us sleep in here, the other four sleep in the other bedroom."

He didn't know that this was much better than what they were used to, "But wouldn't it be better if you had a bedroom to yourself, or at least two to a room." Akane peered at him skeptically, "um, that kinda sounds expensive, I don't think we'll be living that luxuriously... for a long time."

"Oh, I'm sorry are you having financial problems?" Kazuichi felt weird now, his girlfriend never told him about this.

"There's no financial problems here, we're doing perfectly well on our own. I mean we can't afford luxury but we get by." Akane folded her arms. She really didn't wanna talk about this, she didn't even think it would come up, what was so bad about the way they were living now? She really did think it was pretty good all things considered.

"But you're an ultimate, surely that's worth a lot?"

"Nuh-uh, not anymore. Only useful ultimates are worth anything in a world that needs rebuilding, a gymnast can't do much to build the new world. We aren't all the ultimate mechanic. That's why my step-mom left, no new dad at all she just figured we weren't worth it."

This Kazuichi already knew so he brushed it under the rug for now, "Huh? A gymnast can do a lot. Akane you're super strong and agile, that's really useful. Didn't you apply to any construction jobs, I bet you'd be really good at that."

"Construction? I don't know... I thought people only wanted the ultimate gymnast for gymnastics,"

He cupped face and spoke more softly, "You are capable of so much more than that." She changed her demeanour almost-instantly and bore a wide grin, "Alright I'll think about it! Now let's go find the li'l ones!"

So they let it go, took off searching the apartment for her younger siblings and brought out the competitive nature in each other to see who could seek the most.

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