KaeMaki x Harry Potter

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A/N i would mot say i'm a potterhead so sorry if i get some stuff wrong, i literally just dreamt about the marauders map and was like i have to write something

Kaede and Maki are sworn enemies who save Hogwarts together against all odds.

This could not be happening.

First, all the teachers disappear. Then all the students disappear.

Oh, all except Kaede and her number-one enemy, of course.

And finally, to top it all off, the icing on the cake is they found where everyone else was but they were in the dungeons. Not only were the students and teachers in the dungeons but there were also multiple trolls down there who had been using them as their home for a while.

This meant it was up to Kaede and her worst enemy to save the whole student body and teaching staff.

When Maki and Kaede first arrived at Hogwarts they were actually each other's first friend. Originally they were excited to be in Gryffindor together, but after they discovered that Maki came from a long line of Slytherins and Kaede from a long line of Hufflepuffs, that excitement quickly turned into dismay.

They would be stuck together for the next seven years, and they weren't planning on making it easy for the other person. It wasn't just that the Akamatsus and the Harukawas had a long line of rivalry, to be honest that was more of a friendly rivalry born from quidditch, but neither Kaede nor Maki were Quidditch players - another big difference between them and the rest of their families.

No, Kaede and Maki genuinely infuriated each other. It doesn't matter what family they were from, this would've always happened. They were not made to be friends.

Funnily enough though, they just couldn't stay away from each other. Not only were they in the same house, room and classes, but they also got sat next to each other in class and it always just so happened that the only space left on the dining table was next to each other.

The whole school was probably in on it. They probably thought they were so hilarious, forcing Kaede and Maki into each other's proximity for some light amusement. Like clockwork, they would sit in silence for a few minutes before both of them would talk at the same time and that would pave the way for an argument.

Most of it was light bickering but sometimes it really got serious like in fourth year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, when they were supposed to be sparring with a Slytherin but Kaede butted her way in so she could spar with Maki. Maki was a strong opponent but Kaede played dirty and caught her off guard ending up with Maki in the infirmary for a couple days.

Although it was Kaede's fault, and everyone knew it, Maki and Kaede both got sent on a trip through the forbidden forest. Kaede snickered at Maki for some of the way, until it got darker and they started hearing noises and after one ominously loud growl they somehow ended up in each other's arms, clinging on for dear life.

With red faces they jumped apart and vowed to never speak of what happened. They made it trekked through the rest of the forest in silence, ignoring any creepy sounds they heard.

In Kaede's third year she discovered the Marauder's map - though it just looked like a plain piece of parchment at first. It was hidden underneath the fire in the Gryffindor common room. In her first year, Kaede discovered some nonsensical scribblings underneath her bed which she didn't understand then but wondered if they would help her unlock the secrets of this parchment.

And she was right. By reading the message etched into the framework of her bed, 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good', the parchment became a map and the rest was history. She constantly used the Marauder's map to help her pull pranks on Maki. Not once though did Maki ever ask how Kaede knew exactly where she was at all times, but interestingly enough she also pulled pranks and always seemed to know where Kaede was.

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