Kazuichi/Mikan hurt/comfort

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A/N I understand why monokuma used the despair disease to make things interesting, it's so useful for stories, I'll use it a lot more when i run out of ideas

The despair disease is going around again and has infected Kazuichi and Mikan with the depression disease.

Mikan Tsumiki was a frightfully anxious girl but she never really had mental health issues - being the ultimate nurse she practiced meditation to keep her mind healthy - but today there was only one way to describe how she felt, depressed.

As soon as she woke up it felt like there was an invisible weight on her chest pinning her to the bed rendering her unable to get up. Mikan couldn't even imagine having to get dressed, the thought was too unbearable and thinking alone was difficult. Her thoughts were incoherent and all she knew was she didn't want to live anymore, not in a world this despair-inducing.

"Mikan, we need your help quickly!" Sonia hurried into the cottage since it was already unlocked, "Um, why was your door unlocked..? Never mind, you need to come quickly, Kazuichi is- oh, Mikan what's wrong?"

The ultimate princess rushed to her bedside and knelt beside the miserable girl who, at hearing the name 'Kazuichi' very slightly perked up. "K-kazuichi?" She whispered but even that was a struggle.

"Yes, Mikan, it seems Kazuichi has contracted the despair disease Monokuma said, we think it must be a depression disease, but oh Mikan," Sonia felt the girl's forehead, "it seems as though you've contracted it too, it's such a shame, I ran in here hoping you could nurse Kazuichi back to health and I thought you'd want to know since you too are so close."

Coherency was moderately restored in her mind and suddenly life didn't seem so hopeless; Kazuichi and nursing, two of her favourite things uttered in one sentence. As a nurse it was a dream of hers to nurse her lover back to health when he was sick, remembering this didn't revive her will to live but it did help her forget just a little bit, about the weight on her chest.

"T-t-take me... to h-him." Saying these words seemed to use up all her breath and half of her will to live but Sonia wouldn't let this happen, "No, Mikan, surely you don't expect to take care of someone in this condition. I'm sure Nekomaru could take good care of him, he has knowledge in first aid from being the ultimate team manager. You must stay put in this bed until you get better."

Mikan wanted to see Kazuichi as desperately as she could muster but that wasn't enough to speak, she was drifting back into despair before Nekomaru burst into the room, "Sonia, what are you doing? Kazuichi needs help and he's asking for Mikan."

The door nearly came off its hinges and the cottage shook but this didn't scare Mikan at all like it once would.

"Nekomaru, please keep your voice down, Mikan is unable to help Kazuichi, she is sick herself." She walked over to him and tried to prevent him from entering the room any further but he pushed her aside, "I don't care if you're sick, Kazuichi wants to see you. 'I want to see her.' Those were the only words he spoke and if you're sick you may as well be sick together."

Sonia reluctantly sighed, "I suppose if he really wants to see her then... Nekomaru do you not know any massage techniques that could restore them back to health?"

"I'm afraid not, I haven't the slightest idea about what this disease actually is so until then, there's nothing I can do to help, well except carry Mikan to Kazuichi's cottage," so without another word, Nekomaru picked Mikan up and carried her like a baby to Kazuichi's cottage.

Not really paying attention, Mikan didn't know where she was until she saw a flash of pink hair and some of her senses came back. She was laid on the bed next to Kazuichi as Nekomaru exited the room, Sonia waiting outside, "well, you kids have fun - or as much fun as you can have when you're sick. I'll come back to check on you both later."

Before the door was shut, they both glanced at each other and sensed the life return to their bodies, feeling as content as they could in their given situations. They didn't smile, they didn't even say hello, but they both knew they were relieved to be in each others presence and forget about the heaviness even if it was fleeting.

Kazuichi very slowly reached out and tucked a strand of Mikan's hair behind her ear, leaving his hand resting on the side of her head because he didn't have the strength to pull it back. It could have been a few hours but was probably a few minutes as time seemed to go very slowly, but they laid like that with Mikan just grabbing his sleeve as they studied each others faces, gaining strength the longer they spent in the other's presence.

Eventually Mikan couldn't bear to be so far away from him so she flung herself on him with all her might and wrapped her arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around her waist. She gazed at him breathlessly. Being there in his arms, even though she had lost all point of living, made the weight that bit easier to carry. She felt so safe, though she didn't know what from, and protected from this disease while Kazuichi was there.

All Mikan could think about was him and his touch and how warm it made her feel when all she felt was numb not long ago. Compared to when she first woke up, she was feeling so much more intensely - at least this felt intense compared to earlier. Her love for the ultimate mechanic made her want to fight this illness and get better, even if it was difficult. She needed to be present when she was around him and if what she was feeling now was intense then when she got over this depression, her love would be even more powerful.

"I... l-love you..." Kazuichi sighed and inched his way towards her face, kissing her on the forehead. Mikan drew her thumb across his face as he kissed her on the cheek, "I love you t-too... Kazuichi."

With slightly more vigour than Kazuichi, Mikan connected their lips and felt energy surge through her body, suddenly she wasn't so tired anymore. Gently she pulled away and a small smile had formed on Kazuichi's face, "N-Nurse Mikan... always has the best... medicine." He whispered more fully now.

"It's t-true... k-kissing people y-you... l-love... releases...oxyto..." She didn't quite have enough energy yet explain the whole science but it was a start, Kazuichi could see her efforts anyway and gave her another peck on the cheek, "It's...okay."

They remained that way for hours though it felt like longer to them, relishing in their presence, holding each other in their arms and stealing kissed here and there. Although her situation did not look good that morning, Mikan would say she spent her time with the depression disease, being perfectly happy.

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