Ishimondo fluff

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A/N usually any real life events that stand out to me make me want to write komahina but I was like 'let's slow down and think about this for a sec' and decided this would be better for ishimondo.

Taka and Mondo try to survive a heatwave.

It was a beautiful day outside, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming. On days like these kids like Mondo and Taka should've been inside where it was cool.

The weather station predicted highs of 57°C, but neither Mondo nor Taka checked it. They stepped foot outside and suddenly their clothes started burning while they were wearing them.

For some reason, they saw this as a challenge and although they could've easily died, they poured oil over themselves just to up the anti and stood in the scorching heat trying to see who could last the longest. No one else was outside because there were plenty of weather warnings telling people to specifically not go outside under any circumstances and to keep their curtains closed - so everyone did just that.

Everyone except Mondo and Taka of course who absorbed much radiation that day. Even when their clothes had completely burned away and all that was left was their underwear which was fireproof for some reason.

For a while the only thing on fire was the sweat which lit up once left their pores but eventually catastrophe struck - or maybe a miracle in this case - and Mondo's perfect hair set alight, shining as brightly as the sun itself.

He ran around back and forth screaming but Taka remained calm and shook him by the shoulders, hastily dragging him inside and plunging his hair under cold water from the faucet.

"We took it too far this time," Taka patted the final smoke wisps floating from Mondo's hair, which was pretty charred but there was no severe damage.

Mondo didn't seem at all phased by what just happened and made for the door, "I say we didn't take it far enough, let's get back out there or are you not man enough?"

"No Mondo this has to stop, what we are doing isn't manly at all. Pride becomes irrelevant when we risk our lives for a competition, it's just idiotic is what it is," he was using his no nonsense, 'enforcing the rules' voice which Mondo would make fun of anyone else for but when it came to Taka,he took him seriously.

"Okay, you're right as always, oh hey man, your ear is all burnt."

"I'm fine. You need a wet towel on your hair to ensure there's no brain damage."

"No seriously dude, that looks real bad. Let me put some ointment on it or some shit."

"Well, the towels and first aid kit are both in the bathroom... we could help each other out together."

"Sounds like a plan."

They sat on the bathroom floor and tended to each other, cleaning up the black marks. Taka helped Mondo dye his hair back to its original colour and Mondo kissed Taka on his burnt ear.

And they never competed int any challenges to prove their will ever again.

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