Miu/Celeste x Mimeko

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A/N Midari is so hot

Celeste is Yumeko and Miu is Midari and they're gambling partners.

Miu Iruma gazed at the girl sitting beside her. This was the first time she and Celeste were playing together as girlfriends, it was something she had only ever dreamed of in her wildest fantasies.

They were waiting on two newbies who were quickly climbing the ranks and threatening to steal their thunder - Miu and Celeste were going to obliterate them, this game would be a piece of cake.

"Miu, would it kill you to look straight forward instead of ogling at my breasts, it makes you look weak," Celeste stared ahead without moving an inch.

It was bad enough Miu was constantly horny, now Celeste had mentioned her boobs she felt like she was about to burst, "I'll just be in the bathroom..." She took her legs off Celeste and made to get off the bench.

Celeste crossed her legs, "No! They'll be here soon and we have reputations to maintain."

Miu fell in front of Celestia's feet and grabbed onto her leg, picking at the top of her stocking, "So what, should I stab another pencil in my eye? Stick a gun up my-

The ultimate gambler held her girlfriend's face with a manicured hand and pulled it close to her own, whispering in her ear, "If you behave today I'll give you head later."

Feeling herself drool, Miu, with that lustrous smile on her face breathed in the scent of Celestia's upper thigh and got back in her seat, draping her legs over Celeste and leaning back into the bench arm.

"Celeste, you'll never guess what!" Mary burst into the room with a smug look on her face, "Those two newbies were frauds."

This didn't really intrigue Celeste, she wasn't really expecting much from the pair to begin with, "Go on, Mary."

Mary continued, "This whole time they were actually billions of yen in debt from the bank, the money they had was from loans. The bank caught up with them and now they're bankrupt - well, less than bankrupt - and they've been kicked out of school, serves them right."

"Mary, it's unlike you to get so excited by some newbies, did you lose to them?"

"What? N-no, they were just some average gamblers who-

"How much did you lose?"

"I'm telling you I didn't lose."

Miu snickered at Mary's obvious lie.

"And what are you laughing at, freak!" Mary stormed off, slamming the door behind her. Miu didn't waste any chances, "So Celeste, it seems like we're done for the day. Was I a good girl or what?"

Celeste leaned over and grabbed her face with both hands, sticking her tongue down her throat which Miu happily accepted.

This intense display of passion lasted a few minutes before Celeste pulled away, a string of saliva connecting their lips. She retrieved a hanker-chief from nowhere in particular and proceeded to wipe her own mouth then Miu's, then she put the cloth back from wherever she took it from.

"That will have to suffice, I have business tonight," Celeste moved Miu's legs and gracefully got off the bench.

"Hey, but earlier you said tonight we wou-

She kissed her on the cheek and grabbed her bag, "Go into the bathroom and rub one or something. I'll see you later."

Miu sighed as she watched Celeste walk away with her insanely attractive power walk, "What I wouldn't do for you..." 

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